Chapter 33

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I looked at myself in the mirror and I really didn’t mind what I saw. At first I hated my reflection. I hated looking at myself so much I tried to avoid any and all mirrors. I hated every scar he’d left on my body and there were a lot of them. There were scars from burns, from where he’d cut me, those from the wip, and of course the horrid brand that I will always hate. But over time I stopped hating the rest of them. They were a part of me now and they always would be. I couldn’t spend the rest of my life hating myself, no I’d rather spend it loving Alec.

“You ready?” my mom asked as she entered the room. 

“Mostly, but … I was hoping maybe you could do my hair? I’ve always sucked at doing my hair,” I said smiling at her.

“Oh honey I’m sure I can find someone to do your hair,” she said, turning around to leave.

“Mom.” she still froze every time I called her that. “I’m sure you could, but I would rather you do it,” I said, sitting down at my makeup table.

“Oh… okay. I’d be delighted,” she said, her voice cracking a little as she walked over and picked up a hairbrush. “So are you nervous?”

“About the ceremony? No not really, even if we weren’t soulmates I know I’ve made the right choice. Well, actually, I guess I am a little. But only about falling down or something while everyones looking at me. Mostly I’m just excited to start the next chapter of my life knowing that Alec will be there for every step of it. I feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world to have him.”

Marina smiled at me in the mirror as she brushed my hair. ” I felt much the same way on my big day,” she said. “So do you want your hair up or down?”


I looked around the garden and took in how beautiful they’d made it. She’d told her mother not to go overboard when she asked her to plan it, but of course with Elena being her only daughter she couldn’t help herself. There were glass mirrors pieced together and laid upon the ground as the aisle leading her through the hedge maze to Alec. Her mother had also made white rose bushes sprout from the ground to about knee high and they ran along both sides of the mirror to border it. The way the moonlight bounced off the white petals made them appear to be glowing. Hanging here and there from the rose bushes were small glass balls with little tea light candles in them to light her path. It looked like something from a fairytale. 

I looked down at my watch to check the time and realised it was almost midnight. I rushed back to the house, if Elena didn’t come out soon she was going to be late. I’d been standing just outside the entrance to the garden for about ten minutes when I saw Marina stick her head outside the door and look around for me. Finally it was time, I thought to myself as I walked over to her.

“Is she ready?” I asked anxiously.

“Yes, is Alec ready?”

“Yes, let me send him a quick text to let him know she’s walking,” he said, reaching into his pocket for his phone.

Marina stepped out of the way and opened the door for Elena to squeeze out now that she knew Alec wasn’t around. My mouth fell open and tears filled my eyes, she was so beautiful. She was wearing a white ball gown style dress. The bodice and wrist length sleeves were made of lace with nude silk underneath and sprinkled with tiny rhinestones that gave off the allusion that it was made from stardust. The skirt was floor length with a long train; it also had a lace top skirt sprinkled with rhinestones only it had a white skirt underneath. It also had silver vines sewn into starting at the bodice and going all the way to the floor. The vines branched out in every direction and had white flowers made from silk that resembled cherry blossoms spread across them. Her red curly hair had been done up in a very loose fishtail braid. Where the braid started there were three white roses tucked into, running down the braid was a silver and rhinestone vine with small cherry blossoms that perfectly matched her dress. 

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