Chapter 13 : Reunion

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I fell asleep on the way home holding Alec's hand. As I slept I dreamed of my mom. I dreamed she was in great pain, but I knew she was safe in Alec's home. I woke up as I felt myself being lifted from the seat, I decided to pretend I was still sleeping. I felt his deep chuckle as it rumbled up from his chest, then I felt Alec's hot breath next to my ear which made me shiver in pleasure.

"I know you're awake, but I'll let it slide since I want to hold you in my arms anyways," Alec whispered softly into my ear.

I hid my face in his neck embarrassed. I listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, it was my own personal lullaby. Each step he took slowly rocked me back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of knocking. I sat up in the bed slightly confused and sleepily took in my surroundings. I heard the knocking again and realized someone was at the door.

I cleared my throat and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, the one who brought you the clothes before," said the woman on the other side.

"Oh, umm ok. Give me just a minute!" I said. I pushed myself off the bed and walked over to the door.

"Come on in. Is there something you need?" I asked, moving side to let her in.

"No, I don't need anything. I'm just here to see what you want for breakfast. I also brought up your boxes from the moving truck."

"Umm, thanks. That must've taken a lot of work, but I'm sorry I'm not staying here. I have a home. It's actually not too far from here, I think," I responded, completely baffled.

She tilted her head to the side and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Aren't you staying here with Alpha?"

"Uh, no? Umm, just because we are mates doesn't mean I have to stay here. I barely know him, we only just met. I mean yes I feel this connection to him, but still I don't want to just move into some stranger's house. I hope that makes sense and doesn't come off wrong," I said, with a hint of blush.

I hadn't heard Alec walk up behind me as I was talking to her. I heard a growl from behind me, and only then realized she was looking at him and not me. Uh oh, I said to myself as I slowly turned around. My eyes came to rest on a very angry man.

"Umm, uhhh..." I tried to say something to Alec that wouldn't come off harsh.

"I'll talk to you later, Miss, I mean Luna," the woman stuttered out, as she backed away and closed the door.

I opened my mouth then closed it again as I decided not to speak. I wanted him to calm down before I said anything else. So I waited. I watched him, he moved closer to me. I stood perfectly still.

"What do you mean you aren't staying here?" He growled.

I sighed, and looked straight into his guarded eyes, "I'm staying at my house, with my mom. I don't really know you. I know that you want me here but I want to get to know you first. I also have my son to take care of. Doesn't that make more sense Alec?"

Alec frowned and ran his hands through his hair. Which was kinda hot and made me want to play with his hair, I shook my head to rid it of those thoughts.

"Yeah I guess it makes sense," he said sadly, looking down at the floor.

He was so pitiful, and it was breaking my heart. I couldn't take it, I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back and rested his head on top of mine. We stood like that for a couple of minutes before letting go.

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