Chapter 27

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*Mature chapter, if you don't want to read it just skip it.*


I guided Elena to Liam's room. It was next door to ours and I showed them both the connecting door in case Liam got scared. I told her to relax while I layed Liam down. I put a pair of my brother's old pajamas on him before tucking him into bed. Then I told him goodnight and kissed him on the forehead, he closed his eyes and almost immediately started to snore. I turned the nightlight on for him and left the room leaving the door slightly cracked.

I turned around and saw her there standing in a tank top and black lace panties that didn’t leave much to the imagination with a very seductive smirk on her face. As we stared at each other I could feel my pants start to get tighter. I think I almost started to drool. I cleared my throat and tried to regain my composure before speaking.

But that didn't stop my voice from cracking a little, "Uhh what are you wearing?"

"It's a little hot in here. So I did what you told me to. I got comfortable and relaxed," she said, leaning back onto her elbows and batting her lashes at me. 

I blinked my eyes a few times. Surely I'd imagined that. She wasn't actually coming onto me right? No way could she be that bold after what I'd done. But… maybe she was. Time to find out. I met her eyes, you could feel the room starting to heat up around us. I walked slowly to the end of the bed, if she was messing with me I'd mess with her right back. I stopped at the bottom of the bed, grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled it off in one swift movement. My eyes immediately returned to hers, it felt like she was staring into my soul. I started undoing my pants and she sat up for a better view, a sultry smile on her face. She bit her bottom lip and looked me over as I pulled my pants and boxers off. 

"You seem to be in a daring mood, little one. If you keep staring at me like that you might find yourself pinned to the bed with a gag in your mouth," I said, electricity jumped back and forth between us. 

"Maybe that's exactly what I want," she responded, her cheeks turned pink but there was a mischievous look in her eyes.

"And what would put you in such a mood?" I asked.

"I love you."

"Mmmm, I love you too," I said, those words made me want to rip her clothes off. "I'm going to take a shower. You were right about it being hot in here, I need to cool off."

"Okay, I'll be waiting when you're ready," she said, grinning.

I could feel her eyes watching me as I walked to the bathroom, it was all I could do not to turn around. But to be honest I was scared, I didn't know if I could do it. How did I know I wouldn't accidentally hurt her again? I jumped into the cold shower and tried to calm myself down. It was hopeless though, all I could think about was her. How soft her skin was, how good she tasted, how amazing she smelled. I turned the water off, it was pointless. 

When I opened the curtain she was sitting on the bathroom counter, her legs dangled over the edge swinging tantalizingly back and forth. My towel was in her hand.

"You need this?" She teased. 

I smiled a predatory smile at her, I half expected her to run at any moment. I walked over to her and reached for the towel. She dropped it on the floor and stared daringly into my eyes as if she'd just set a clever trap. Turns out, she had. I reached for the towel and the smell of her arousal filled my nostrils, so sweet. I couldn't resist her. Instead of standing back up with the towel I kissed her ankle. I slowly trailed kisses up her calf, over her knee, and up her right thigh. I placed one small hungry kiss over her panties then I stood up. 

I looked at her pleadingly, "I–," 

She cut me off, "It's okay, you won't hurt me."

How could she possibly know that was what I was thinking? Because she was my soulmate. I reached out and pulled her tightly against me, our lips crashed together, a raging fire consumed us entirely. I pulled back for a second and ripped her shirt to shreds, I needed to feel her bare skin against mine. I kissed a rough trail to her mouth. Her shoulder, her neck, her jaw, I nipped her ear lobe. Then I feverishly took her mouth again, she wrapped her legs around my waist, the warm heat I could feel radiating from between them was driving me crazy. 

I picked her up, turned around, and pushed her up against the bathroom wall. I nipped at her bottom lip begging her to grant me access. She opened her mouth and I pushed my tongue inside eagerly. She moaned and dug her fingernails into my back, I responded with a hungry moan of my own. I decided we needed to get to the bed, I broke our kiss so I could watch where I was walking. She kissed my neck, my chest, then she grabbed a handful of my hair and led my mouth back to hers. I stumbled and we landed on the bed, she bit my lip and I tasted blood but neither of us cared enough to stop. 

I slowly ran my hand down her body and into her panties. I delved a finger into her wetness, another moan escaped her lips and her back arched like a cat in heat. I had to hold myself back from taking her right then, she was so fucking beautiful. She was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, and she was all for me. 

She grinded her hips against my hand as I moved my finger inside her. I could tell she was ready for more so I added another finger. Her moans got louder, she dug her fingernails into my shoulders and raked them down my back. I shivered in pleasure and groaned against her lips. She whimpered a complaint when I withdrew my fingers from her tight cavern. I brought them up to her mouth for her to taste. I slid down her body to her now soaking wet panties. I slowly pulled them off with my teeth then nipped and kissed my way back up to her mound without breaking eye contact. I slowly started sucking and licking her clit. I moaned against her as I tasted her. She tasted amazing, like she was my own special dessert. 

She let out a breathy moan and pulled my head closer to her,"Ah A-Alec."

Hearing my name leave her lips I couldn't wait any longer, I brought my face back up to her mouth and grinded my manhood against her center teasingly. We both let out a loud moan from my efforts.

 I pull my mouth from hers, "I'm going to do this very slowly, I don't want to hurt you," I said, breathing hard. 

She bit her lip and nodded her head, "Okay, but I trust you, you’re not going to hurt me."

I carefully guided the tip of my member to the source of her desperate need. Her back arched as I started to push into her with an agonizing slowness. She grabbed handfuls of my hair and pulled in her desperation to have me closer. I slipped in a little further and we both shivered in pleasure.

“Please, you’re not going to hurt me. I just need you,” she said pleadingly, looking deep into my eyes. I nodded my head and pushed myself the rest of the way in. I pulled myself out and eased myself in again. I picked up speed with each thrust until I was going at a decent but still slightly reserved pace. 

She moved her hips against mine moaning, "Mmmm, faster Alec please!"

I didn't need to be told twice, so I moved faster and faster until I was slamming in and out of her as fast as I could. Her moans were practically screams now and I felt her start tightening around me. 

"Fuck! Don't cum yet," I said, as I kept pounding into her.

I felt myself getting close,  I felt the pressure building until finally the feeling became too great and I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

"Cum xiǎo tián tián,” I moaned.

I felt her tighten around my shaft and I shuddered as I felt my own release. I collapsed onto the bed beside her. She rolled towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

“That was amazing,” she whispered into my ear, before kissing my forehead.

“Yes it was,” I responded breathlessly.

I barely managed to pull the blanket over us before falling into a deep asleep

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