Chapter 8: A Mystery Plot

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The day of the crash.

I wake up feeling slightly dizzy. I reach up to rub my face and realize there's blood everywhere. I pull down the sun visor and open the mirror to see the blood is mostly coming from my nose. I guess it must've been from getting hit by the airbag.

I can hear Liam crying in the back seat, I use my shirt sleeve to wipe away some of the blood so it won't upset him. Then I glance back into the backseat worried he might be injured, but thankfully he seems completely fine. I look over to check on Elena, but she isn't in the car.

As I continue to glance around I notice the windshield in front of the passenger seat is busted out. Now that I think about it, I turned off the passenger airbag before we left the house. so I assume she must've gone through the glass.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket but I just ignored it and got out of the car. I walked around the hood and glanced around for Elena, but I still didn't see her. I frowned at the predicament, this wasn't how the crash was supposed to happen. The tree was supposed to land on the car, but he must've cut it too early causing it to fall ahead of us instead.

My phone went off again and I huffed in irritation. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was Dalton. Of course it was him. He was just as annoying as Elena, apparently he couldn't even cut a damn tree right. But I needed him because he was my escape goat. When the plan was over or if things went bad, I needed someone to blame it on.

I glanced down at my phone to see what he wanted. I had multiple texts asking if I was ready for us to meet, I must've been out for a bit longer than I thought. I looked at the time and texted him to meet me by the car in ten minutes. I really wanted to get Liam out of the car and this place as soon as possible.

I'd just grabbed Liam and a couple bags of our clothes from the car when I saw the headlights. Finally we could get out of here and out of this damn rain. I walked with Liam towards the car and Dalton climbed out. I could tell he was mad about something but I didn't really care what it was. I was just ready to get the hell out of here.

"Why the hell is this kid here?" He yelled at me.

I gave him my prettiest smile. "Well hello Dalton. Yes I'm okay, no thanks to you. And he's here because I want him with me," I said, as I pulled Liam closer.

I looked down at him and noticed he was looking around like he'd lost something, so I crouched and said, "Hey sweetie, what are you looking for?"

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Momma?" He said pointing back at the car.

I put on a beautiful fake smile for him and pulled him closer, "She's gone sweetie, but we'll look for her, okay?" He just nodded his head and sniffled a little bit.

We went to the car and I buckled Liam into the back. I was climbing into the front seat when right as I was about to close the door I heard a distant howl. I started to panic realizing that werewolves were close.

"Dalton, we're done here, right?" I looked at him quizzically, hoping he was getting what I meant.

"Yeah, we're done," he nodded.

He peeled out, suddenly in a big hurry. I glanced over and noticed how white he was. I smirked at his fear. I knew he was a rouge, and packs couldn't stand them. We heard another howl and he gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. I shook my head at him, how is he a werewolf and such a coward? Even scared of his own kind.

The next morning

I woke up when I heard the hotel room door close. I looked down at Liam snuggled in arms sleeping and smiled. I scooted carefully out of the bed so I didn't wake him. I walked over to the counter and made myself a cup of coffee, then I looked over at Dalton. He was sitting calmly on his bed reading the newspaper.

"So let's get down to business. Did you take care of our problem? What did you do with the body?"

Dalton put his paper down and frowned at me, "What do you mean?"

Ugh, I'd forgotten how stupid he was.

"I meant Elena you idiot. What did you do with her body? I don't want anyone finding it later."

"Well about that....," he fidgeted in his seat like he was guilty of something. Then it clicked and I started to get angry.

"What. Exactly.Happen?" I asked, trying to keep my temper under control.

"When you guys hit the tree, she flew out. I followed her scent but all I found was a scrap of what appeared to be her shirt, and a puddle of blood. I walked around looking for her body while I waited for you to wake up, but I couldn't smell her scent anywhere else. It was like she'd just disappeared. Probably some animal dragged her off or something, I wouldn't worry about her any more."

"You are such an idiot! Don't worry about her anymore? Really? She probably got up and walked off somewhere! What if someone finds her? Oh my God! What if she saw you out there?! What if that made her suspicious of me?! What if she saw you pick me up?! No, we absolutely have to find her and finish this!" I screamed at him until I was red in the face.

"I'm pretty sure nobody would find her before the animals got her. And I doubt she could walk very far. I mean come on, with the blood loss she's weak. Probably even more so by now." He said, trying to excuse his unforgivable actions.

Ugh I really just wanted to strangle him! He knew what and who she was. If the council found out what I did to her they would torture me. If I was lucky they might just kill me. But more than likely I'd be slowly, unmercifully, tortured until I died.

"Oh my God! I can't believe I have to fix your mess again! I'm sick and tired of always cleaning up after you!" I screamed.

"You're such a bitch!" He yelled back.

Then I saw Liam sit up in the bed. I looked over at him and smiled, trying to make everything seem okay. He looked at me and rubbed his sleepy little eyes.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry we woke you up. It's okay though, in just a minute we'll go look for mommy," I said sweetly.

I looked back at Dalton with anger in my eyes, "We have to go to the pack, they might know something."

"You know I can't go there," he said gritting his teeth.

"That's fine, I do better on my own anyway. Oh, but I'll be taking your car," I said, grinning at him.

He looked at me dumb founded but knew better than to try and stop me. I grabbed his keys off the counter, picked up Liam, and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind me.

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