Think Different.

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I woke up next to Dahyun still sound asleep in my bed. I got up to wash my face and brush my teeth. I head for the kitchen to make breakfast for me and Dahyun.

I made eggs and bacon, brewed a fresh pot of coffee to get energized for the day. Dahyun woke up minutes later and sat on the dining table.

"That smells good." She said while rubbing her eyes. I grabbed a glass and the carton of milk from the fridge. I also pulled up a chocolate syrup and made chocolate milk for Dahyun.

"You know I drink coffee too, right?" She said while accepting the glass of chocolate milk.

"Yeah, I know." I said while I grabbed a plate and assembled her breakfast. Once I prepped everything up, I head for the table and gave Dahyun her breakfast.

"This looks good, Y/N. Thank you!" She said as she gave me a peck on the lip.

"Good morning to you too, Dahyun." I said as I started to eat. We ate our breakfast pretty quickly and chilled in my couch while we finish our beverages.

"I could get used to this, Y/N." She said while scrolling through her phone. I was using my laptop preparing for today's activities.

"To what?" I asked as I looked at her.

"To this. The cozy mornings, breakfast with you, and you..." She said.

"You're learning my moves, Dahyun-ssi. I'm very impressed." I replied. I checked the time and noticed time flew pretty quick.

"Dahyun, what's your schedule today?"

"I have recording and practice today. How about you?"

"Preparing stuff for your comeback today."
I said.

"I'll take a quick shower and I'll drive you back to your dorm so you could rest more and stuff."
I said as I got up and made my way to the kitchen to wash my mug.

"Okay, no need to rush, Y/N!" She said as she chilled on my couch. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and fixed up all my things for work. Dahyun washed her face and got ready too. She looks so pretty even without make up.

We got to the car and drove. It was pretty quiet ride, Dahyun tried to flirt with me and held my hand while driving. The traffic was pretty light so we got to TWICE's dorm pretty quickly.

"Do you want to come inside, Y/N?" Dahyun said.

"Sure, I got a few minutes to spare. Plus, I want to make sure everyone knew you were with me last night." I said. We got off the car and head over to the front door. Dahyun unlocked it and we went inside.

I saw Jeongyeon and Jihyo preparing breakfast while some of the members were chilling and minding their own business.

"Hey everyone! Good morning!" I greeted them. Sana rushed over and gave me a hug. The other girls greeted me back.

"You hungry, Y/N?" Jeongyeon asked while offering a plate of Kimchi pancake.

"Oh, we had breakfast at home. Thanks." I said. I saw Mina coming out of her room looking ready to go.

"Oh hey, Y/N. Good morning!" She said. Mina wore a dress and very light make up. She looked classy and beautiful. But I think that's a given.

"Why you all dressed up?" I asked.

"I have to go to the agency early, I have to talk to the Division about a photobook." She said.

"Did you eat breakfast? I can drive you to work, I just dropped off Dahyun." I offered.

"Drive? Oh, right! You just got your new car. Congrats on that by the way. Sure!" She said.

"No fair, I want to ride with Y/N too!" Sana said while pouting at me so adorably.

"That's okay, you get to ride some other time." I said to Sana while patting her head. Mina grabbed her other stuff as she head for the door.

"You're not going to grab breakfast, Mina?" I asked.

"It's fine, I'll grab one after the meeting or in the cafe nearby." She replied. I waved to the girls bye and Mina gave them a suspicious wink.

"Bye everyone! See you later, if you'll drop by my office." I said. We head for the car and got in. Mina gave me a quick peck after she got comfortable in the car.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"It just felt right, Y/N." She said. We drove to the office just before traffic began to build up. Mina wore shades that took her already stunning beauty to another level. She looked like she can buy the whole club or something. We got to the office and I parked my car. We headed for the elevator to the lobby. We got in and once we reached the floor. Mina got out and everyone stared at her. She demanded to be stared at. She's like the CEO of the whole building.

"I have time to spare before my meeting. I'll grab breakfast from the cafe, Y/N." She said.

"I'll have to go up to the office and prep stuff before my team huddle. I'll catch you later then?" I said.

"Sure, thanks for the ride, Y/N." Mina said. We head our separate ways. Once I got to the office, I said hi to my teammates and they were staring at me as if I had something on my face.

"Looks like boss had a good morning." Mark said while laughing with Ha-joon. I looked at them dumbfounded until Soo-ah pointed out the kiss mark left by Mina on my cheek. I quickly wiped it off and head to my space.

"This little penguin." I thought. I settled in and opened my laptop. I skimmed through some emails and missed messages before started working on the ideas for the team huddle. I was getting into the zone when I heard my team getting noisy as someone walked in. It was Mina.

"Hey Y/N. I brought coffee." She said as she entered my office. She placed the cup on my desk.

"Thanks, Mina. But you're not forgiven for that kiss mark you left on my cheek."
I said while Mina laughed and I saw her gummy smile.

"It's funny Y/N, loosen up! Besides, people won't know that it's from me."
She said. She took a sip of her coffee and bite of her bagel.

"We're huddling soon. What time's your meeting?" I asked.

"In a few minutes. Want me to check your ideas, sir?" She said jokingly.

"Sure, come over." I said. I showed her a paper with 50 boxes filled with ideas.

"I don't really know where this came from. But it's called the 50 boxes method.It's supposed to help you come up with ironically, outside the box ideas." I said.  I looked at her and she seemed focus.

"The first 10-15 ideas are generally shitty, but it helps you to get out the bad ideas in your brain."

"Well it works, come on Y/N, really? What if TWICE wore cowboy outfits to fit the western market? Really?"
She said while pointing at the 3rd box.

"I did say that the first 15 were shitty right." I replied.

"Some looks good, Y/N. I can't wait to see the ones that make it to the division." She said.

"Oh shoot, I have to go. See you later, Y/N." She said and head out. No kiss this time? That sucks, it would've been the perfect picker-upper. Anyways, it was time to meet up with the team.

"Hey guys, 5 minutes then we meet huddle, okay?" I said to the creative team.

"Okay boss!"

"You got it,"


I got my notebook and then head to the little nook in our office space. One by one they came.

"Hey Y/N, how are you so close with TWICE?" the two juniors asked.

"I've been friends with them for awhile, I couldn't remember how I became close with them. Maybe during that one time we had a shoot with them from my old agency?" I lied. Of course I remember how I'm close with TWICE. Once everyone was there they began telling me their ideas.

"...and then boom, we see TWICE on top of the world."

"...we end with TWICE looking at the camera saying 'TWICE world domination' end frame."

After hearing all their ideas, I gave my comments.

"These are all good, but I think they can be better." I said.

"As Don Draper once said, you have to make it simple, but significant. There has to be a truth in everything you think of." I added.

"Behind the fancy, glamour, breathtaking visuals there has to be heart. Remember, we're selling TWICE to people who've never heard about them."

"What's the truth that only TWICE can own?" I asked.

"They're a multinational group?"

"They're a chart topping girl group?"
They answered. I looked at them nodding my head.

"All true, but listen. Any group can claim that, right? Dig deeper, here's my insight. Some groups do have members that are not Korean, some groups can also top the charts.But the truth about TWICE is, they're one in a million. Yes, pun intended. But it's true, right?" I said as everyone looks at me.

"They're unique. They have an unnie who acts like a maknae, they have the most beautiful maknae, they have a multi-talented rapper, artist, singer, dancer, and producer in one. I could go on and on and on about how TWICE is unique, making them one in a million. They're truly a treasure that people would miss out on not listening and falling in love to TWICE." I added.

"That's how you sell TWICE. You'll come for their music but stay for who they are. So you shouldn't miss your chance on falling for them." I finished. After which the team were in awe.

"Build on what I said, let's have another regroup later." 

"Okay, boss!" They all agreed.

"That's Y/N, for you." my partner said as everyone laughs. We head back to our work station and I was surprised when I saw JYP and some of the girls near the door.

"I knew I could count on you." JYP said with that weird smile of his.

"Hey I don't act like a maknae, okay?" Nayeon said.

"Hehe, thanks. Why are you all here, though?" I asked.

"Checking up on the new department."  JYP said.

"We just finished practice, want to grab lunch Y/N?" Sana asked while grabbing my arm.

"Sure." I said. We all went to a restaurant and ordered takeout.

"Hey, Y/N. We have a few more hours before needed back in the office, want to hang at our dorm?" Sana asked.

"Uhm, I don't know, Sana? I have a lot of work to do." I said.

"Please..." She said with those mesmerizing eyes. She leans over and whispers,

"...It'll be worth it. I promise." She said.

How could I say no? Sana truly is dangerous.

"Come on, Y/N." Nayeon joined in.

"Fine." I finally gave in. I texted the creatives that we'll meet at around 5 and they can go out if that will help them "brainstorm" because that's what I'm doing. Once we got our food we head for their dorm.

They quickly finished their meals as if they were speed eating. I offered to wash the dishes while Nayeon and Sana were chilling in their couch. Tzuyu came home just I was about to finish washing the dishes.

"Oh, unnies, Y/N, you're here too?" Tzuyu said.

"Yeah, we just finished lunch. We'll fuck now. Wanna join us?" Sana said bluntly.

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