Cake by the Ocean

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Where were we? It's been so long, huh?

Oh right.

The recent campaign for TWICE was well in to production. We've come up with this amazing campaign that I'll share with you later on.

Right now, we're in a Director's Treatment/Pre-production meeting. A pre-production meeting is where the director of the commercial shares his/her vision of what he/she sees about our idea.

So far everything was going according to plan. The whole team is excited with everything that's about to happen.

Lunch is around the corner when I received a text from Sana.

"Hey, Y/N! Wanna grab lunch? I'm in the building."

"Sure, Sana! I'll meet you by the lobby?"

"No need, let's eat in your office. I'll buy food."

"Okay then, see you."

I cleaned up my office, filled up my pitcher of water from the water cooler, and turned on the humidifier with some nice scents to set the mood for the room. Sana came over a few minutes later with take-out.

"You look stressed out, Y/N. You okay?"

"Work's been pretty busy, Sana. But I'm good, you look well today." I said. She gave me her cute hamster smile as she took our lunch out of the paper bag.

"You've been working very hard, Y/N. Why not take the day off? You deserve it."
Sana suggested. Well, to be honest I've been wanting to really take a break the past few weeks. I feel like I could think more if I took a step back and breathe for a bit. But the whole team is depending on me. Plus it's a new gig.

"I can't Sana. You know we're a fairly new team here in JYP. Plus, what would the team think?" Sana suddenly stood up.

"Ya, everyone! You don't mind if Y/N, takes a half day right? Plus 2 days off? Right?" She shouted to the bullpen. Everyone unanimously nodded at Sana. I mean who wouldn't? Sana's very persuasive.

"Take the day off, boss! You deserve it!" they added on. Eventually I gave in.

"Okay, the whole team doesn't have to come to work while I'm gone. You can start working from home and message me whenever there's something we need to work on, okay?" I said.

And just like that, we finished eating lunch and everyone in the team went home.

"Damn, Sana. You just did that."

"Anything for our Y/N."
Sana said endearingly. We head out and went to the company parking.

"Well Miss Minatozaki, you have me for the whole afternoon. Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Will you let me drive?" Sana asked.

"Go ahead." I said as I hand her the keys and went to the passenger seat side. Sana started driving without really knowing where we are going.

"Sana, where are we off to?"

"Just relax, Y/N. Take a nap, I got you."
She said. Well, she told me to nap, so I took a nap.

A few minutes later, or many minutes later? I woke up and we stopped by a cabin overlooking the beach. I guess we were outside Seoul now.  Sana was nowhere to be found. I got out of the car to stretch a bit. Sana suddenly got outside the cabin.

"Hey, Y/N! Wow you were a heavy sleeper. You must be really tired."

"That nap was refreshing. Thank you for letting me sleep Sana."
The little hamster rushed towards me and gave me a hug.

"Where are we anyway?"
I asked. Sana didn't answer. She asked me to come inside and so I did. Inside was very beautiful, it was spacious and had very big windows for natural light. It had wooden floors, and walls, while the outside was made of brick. As I went inside a bit more, I heard and smelled food being prepared.

"Sana were you cooking?" I asked.

"Pabo, do you really think Sana would cook something that smelled this good?" said a familiar voice coming from the kitchen. I went in to the kitchen and saw Jeongyeon preparing an seafood stew.

"Hey Jeongyeon. Was I really that deep in sleep? You guys managed to pick me up without me noticing?" I asked as Jeongyeon went for a hug.

"You must be so tired, Y/N." She said. She took her ladle and placed some soup on a spoon.

"Here, Y/N. How does it taste?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Incredible." I said.

"Are the other girls coming? You seem to be preparing a lot of food for just the three of us?" I added. And right on cue, the rest of the girls came rushing through the door.

"Wow Sana, this place is really fancy. How did you manage to find this." said a loud voice from the living room. My guess, it's Park Jihyo. Just as I was about to exit the kitchen Momo was entering the kitchen holding a big box.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hey Momo, what's that."

"Oh I was hungry along the way, so I bought a cake. You know me...hungry Momo."
She answered as she placed the box on the table.

"Oh okay then, is everyone here now?"
I asked as I head to the living room. In the living room was DaChaeTzu settling down their things, and Mina and Jihyo bringing in more food. Nayeon was the one who drove I guess as she was the last one to enter the cabin.

"Hey everyone!" I shouted.

"Hey Y/N." Mina said as she leans in for a kiss.

"Hello to you too, Mina." I said. I gave everyone a hug as everyone gets comfortable in the cabin.  As the afternoon turned into the night we changed into more comfortable clothes as Jeongyeon finished cooking.

"Eat up, everyone!"Jeongyeon said bringing in two bowls of piping hot stew with side dishes and fried chicken.

"Thanks for this, guys. Good thing you're all free today. What's the occasion?" I asked as everyone digs in.

"It's your birthday in 2 days, dummy. That's why everyone was okay you taking the leave. We had it all planned out. Well, the unnies did." Tzuyu said as she takes a bite of her chicken.

"Is it really?" I asked as I check my phone.

"Oh wow, I've been really busy lately, huh?" I added. The girls nodded in unison.

"We rarely 'hang out' anymore, Y/N." Momo said with a grin.

"Well, let's catch up on lost time then Momo-ssi." I said as I approach Momo and planted a soft kiss on her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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