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I feel so bad for Kiara, she doesn't deserve any of this. I wonder what happened, why she decided to do it now. Is it because her mom? When I dropped her off yesterday Anna seemed mad. I want to know of course, but im not gonna rush Kie to tell me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked quietly.

"I will, I promise i'll tell you, but right now no."

"I understand." I replied. I really do.

She laid in my arms for around 30 minutes. She let out a soft yawn.

"You wanna go to the bed?"

She nodded. She stood up. I followed her actions. I grabbed her hand in mine and we walked to the bedroom. I sat down and patted Kie by me.


"Yeah?" I ran my hands through her hair.

"Do you have a blunt?"

"No.. but I can definetly make one."

She smiled a little and nodded.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

I came back in with the stuff and made it. She watched me the whole time.

"You wanna lick it?"

She shook her head. "You can"

After I finished, I let her have the first smoke. We shared the blunt and soon enough we were both high.

After we were done, we both laid back. I was laying straight, while Kie was on my left side, lying her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, wanna run away?" She blurts out out of nowhere, staring ahead.

"What?" I turned my head to face her.

"You and I." She looked at me.

"Your'e high Kie." I chuckled.

"No, I've been thinking about it. As long as we're with each other, we've got nothing to lose."

I started to think about what she was saying, and it is true. We're the only thing each other has. It's not like we would really be leaving anything behind.

"Where would we go?" I asked.

"Somewhere by the ocean, we would have a small house right on the beach. We can catch our own food, live off of crabs and fish."

"That does sound nice" I smiled at the thought of it. Just me and her living together on our own.

"And we'll have a dog. A bulldog, we'll name him Jasper." She smiled.

"Oh yes a bulldog!" I've always wanted one my whole life.

"Sooo.. what do you say?"

"I say it's a plan, but we should sleep on it."

"Yeah, your'e right."

We talked here and there, but we soon fell asleep.


I woke up before Kie, which I never thought would happen.

I laid there admiring her for a bit. She's so beautiful when she sleeps. She was still lying her head on my chest.

Kie's eyes then fluttered open. She looked up at me. "Why are you staring at me?" She asked with a sleepy voice and her eyes just cracked open.

"Your'e just so beautiful you know that?"

Is It Love? - Jiara StoryWhere stories live. Discover now