Untitled letter

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We enjoyed each others presence for a little while longer before heading back.

We were now in the marsh. When we were close to the Chateau, Kie noticed something floating in the water surrounded by long grass.

"JJ?" The brunette asked looked over to the side.


"Whats that?" She pointed to the object in the water.

"Probably some beer bottle or some shit." I rolled my eyes.

"Well we can't just leave it there, it can pollute the water!" She exclaimed.

"Ugh why do you have to care so much?" I said jokingly as I slowly drove the boat over to the object.

"You should care more." She responded.

When we were close enough, Kie got on the bow, and bent over to pick it up.

"It's a bottle." She simply stated.

I continued driving again. "Hm"

Just as she was about to put it down, she froze. "Uh ... it has a rolled up piece of paper in it."

"Your'e kidding."

"No i'm not." She responded.

"Who actually puts a note in a bottle these days?" I questioned.

"Me and Sarah used to do it all the time." She smiled as she looked down.

I grinned.

"Should we open it?" I asked, but before I could even finish she already had it opened. "Oh- ok"

She unrolled the paper and scanned it over.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"I don't know.. it's like morse code or something" She said.

"Are you serious?"

She handed me the paper.

"Well shit."

"You wouldn't happen to know morse code by any chance would you?" She asked.

"Well actually, yes. I do."

A look of surprise came over her face. "You? You know morse code." She asked not believing me.

"Yes, why do you sound so surprised?" I asked.

"I'm not, I just didn't expect someone who doesn't even know how to spell beautiful to know morse code."

"Well for one, that was like a year ago. And two, JB forced me to learn it so we could have our own 'secret lanuage' I said as I did finger quotations.

"Hm, okay. so decode the message." She said crossing her arms.

"You know, I would but.."

"But you forgot it didn't you." She said more as a statement as she grabbed the note from me.

I shrugged.

"Okay I guess we'll google it then."

I nodded and we went straight to the Chateau.


When we got into the house, Kie pulled out her phone and searched morse code translator on google.

The note showed: ••--- / •---- / ---•• / •----
•---- •••-- / •--- / .---- ----.

Kie translated it. Soon enough we decoded it.

"They're numbers..?" She questioned.

"Maybe it's like a phone number?" I asked.

"Maybe.." Kie paused before continuing. "But what if it's a word?"

A look of confusion fell over me.

"Mine and Sarah's 'secret language' was letters converted into words, you know? If you put 7 for instance, G is the 7th letter in the alphabet."

I nodded.

Kie took it upon herself to figure that out what that spelled too.

"It.. it says bahamas." Kie said staring at the letter.

We looked at each other.


"It can't be him, it's not possible." I said grabbing the note.

I looked over the whole paper, and the rest was blank. I turned it over, and at the bottom corner of the paper, there was an R. Like the way John B's dad wrote his R's.

"What the fuck"

"What?" Kie asked before she found what I was looking at.

"Holy shit JJ! THEY'RE ALIVE!!"

We immediately hugged each other. And right after I pulled her into a kiss.

We both smiled as we pulled apart.

"JJ, this is an excuse to run away!"

I was definitely up for that idea.

I chuckled "I guess it is!"

I really want to tell Pope, he would be so happy. And we are going to, eventually. He needs to know.

"Wait JJ?"


"This is 7 letters. What if it is a phone number as well? I mean it's in numbers"

That would make sense.

"Okay then call it!"

Kie got her phone out again and dialed the number.

It rang a lot, which made us think no one would answer. Just as we thought it'd go to voicemail, a familiar voice spoke.

A/N - I lowkey feel bad for Pope, I need to get him back into the story

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