Long time, no see

911 9 1


"Hello" The tall figure steps out, revealing themself.

My heart dropped.

"Ward Cameron." I mumbled.

The figure walked closer but still at a far distance.

"That's right." He grinned.

"Where the hell are they?" Kie raised my voice.

"Who? There's no one here but me" He smiled

"Cut the bullshit" I shouted.

"I wouldn't be raising your voice son, I'm the one with the gun." Ward said as he pulled a pistol from behind him.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

"I know why your really here." He said.

Confusion fell over both me and Kie.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"The gold." He stated. "Well your too late."

"We're not here for the fucking gold!!" I shouted.

Ward raised his gun and pointed it at me.

"Woah" I put both my arms up.

"We're just here for Sarah and John B, please just let us see them!" Kie pleaded.

"I'll do you one better, how about you join them." Ward said.

He walked up to Kiara and put the gun to her head.

She winced.

"Follow me. If either of you try anything at all, i'll shoot her head clean off." Ward stated.

The sight of Ward with a gun pointed at her, sent shivers down my spine.

We did as he said and followed him to a room nearby. He threw us in there. There John B and Sarah were, both seated on chairs, with their hands tied to their chairs. Their mouths were duct taped shut. Ward then went over to JB and Sarah and ripped off the tape from their mouths.

It's them. It's John B and Sarah Cameron. I can hardly believe it.

"Remember, don't try anything stupid." He said before walking out and locking the door.

Kie ran up to them. "JJ help me untie them!" She went to Sarah and untied her as I tried to untie John B. Once we managed to get it off, they both stood up.

"I missed you guys so much!" Sarah said as the two girls hugged.

"You wouldn't believe how much we missed you!" Kie exclaimed.

"It's nice to see you bro, it's been tough" JJ hugged John B.

John B smiled. "It's good seeing you guys too, we missed you!"

Kie than went up to John B and hugged him.

I made my way to Sarah.

"Hey JJ" She smiled.

"Hey Sarah" I hugged her.

Once we greeted each other, reality kicked back in.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"A lot" Sarah replied.

"Tell us everything" Kie said.

John B nodded. "Well, it started when we got on the phantom."

"The storm was crazy" Sarah added. "I thought we were gonna die for sure"

"Me too, it was insane. The boat capsised. I remember putting life jackets on somewhere in that time. Anyways, we woke up the next morning on top of the bottom of the boat. It was so scary.

"Wow" Kiara stated.

"Yeah, but than there was a ship, it didn't see us at first, but Sarah" John B smiled. "Sarah rememebred about the gold, and shined the sun off of it. The ship saw and came and rescued us. They said they were going to the Bahamas, where the gold is.. So we went with them. We sent the bottle out with the note inside of it. We honestly didn't think you guys would find it. We got of at Nassau. Sarah and I laid low just in case anyone recognized us, which wasn't likely, but just in case. We just got a cheap motel and stayed a while there. Than we started to look for the gold. We almost just wanted to give up, but we went through all of this for it. So we tracked where Wards plane went and where the gold might be. It wasn't long after Ward sent the plane off that we got to the Bahamas, so we figured it could still be in the plane. We found where the plane was and went there. The gold was in it. That's when you guys called. You guys said you were coming so we figured to wait for you before getting all the gold. We told you to meet us here at the warehouse because it wasn't too far from the gold. We didn't have a plan, but we thought someone could fly the plane out. None of us could fly so we figured we could threaten someone. There were literaly people all around the plane that worked for Ward, so we didn't know how we were gonna do it. We stayed here to wait for you guys. Then, one of the guys found us and reported us to Ward saying we were sneaking around the plane. So Ward of course brought us back here and tied us up. Than you guys came, and now here we are.

"Woah" I mumbled.

"Pretty wild heh?" Sarah said.

"Yeah, that's crazy!" Kie replied.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

John B looked us all over. "Escape."

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