No questions asked

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We are going to look for a pilot to fly the plane out today, which I don't really know how.

"Okay let's go. Better t-" John B got cut off by a knock at the door.

"Everyone be quiet" He whispered tiptoeing up to the door. He looked out the peephole."

"Who is it?" Sarah mouthed.

He gave a shrug. "I don't know, it's some man probably in his late 30's or early 40's"

"John B, it doesn't matter how old he is. Do you recognize him?" Kiara whispered.

"No, but there were a lot of men. I don't think we should chance it."

"Yeah, he's right." JJ said walking to the window, opening it.

We were only on the second floor, so it wasn't too high.

Once we were all outside, we were on part of the roof.

"Do you expect us to jump or something?" Sarah asked.

"Sure." JJ responded jumping down.

Kiara followed shortly after.

"Hm" John B said before following their actions.

"Fuck it." Sarah was the last one down.

"Lets go!" JJ exclaimed as he started running down the road with the rest of the group behind.

Once they were far enough away, they stopped. "Okay so where do we go from here?" Kiara questioned.

"Anyone have a phone?" John B asked looking around.

"It's almost dead, so hurry." Kiara said handing her phone to JB.

After a while of googling and calling, John B finally found someone who would fly someone elses plane for them. They agreed they would discuss the money when they came. We agreed to meet in an alley. It was the guy on the phones idea.

"Wer'e really meeting in an alley?" Kiara asked rasing her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, i'll protect ya" JJ said pulling out a kitchen knife in a case.

"Are you shitting me JJ?" Kiara whisper shouted.

"Relax Kie, it's just a knife."

She rolled her eys. "Yeah a fucking steak knife"

"Hey, if it will protect us.."

"Guys sorry to break up the chat, but we gotta go." John B said as he started walking.

We came to an alley where nobody was. It was behind a bar.

"This isn't scary at all." Sarah commented.

"Well JJ's got a steak knife." Kie said sarcastically.

"you'll wish you hadn't said that when some lunatic comes at us." JJ responded smirking.

"Guys why would he want to meet us in an alley unless this is something he shouldn't be doing or something. I mean all of the other people said no." Sarah voiced.

"I don't know, but it's our best option right now." John B said.

"Guys shut up.. Do you hear that?" Kie whispered.

It was pretty dark in the alley, for it was under two roofs on each side of it.

"Yeah, it's probably the guy we're meeting." JJ said in a 'duh' tone.

"JJ just get the knife out." Kie said nudging him.

"Oh, now you want it."

"Just do it!"

"Who's there?" John B called out.

A tall man appeared from behind a dumpster. He was around 6 feet, he had black hair with a black bandana over it. He had a long black beard. He was wearing black sunglasses and a leather jacket.

"Uh hey, you the pilot?" John B asked.

The man nodded.

"Are you sure you're a pilot or you a drug dealer?" JJ asked.

"Shut up" Kiara half whispered back.

"How much money you got?" The man asked.

"Does 5k sound good?" John B asked hopeful.

"This is a joke right?" He scuffed and started walking away.

"25K" John B said again.

The man started walking back towards us. "I don't like people that waste my time." He spoke with a gruff voice.

"Wow bro, chill" JJ said holding the knife up to him.

He was now stood in front of us face to face. "100 thousand dollars."

John B raised his eyebrows.

"Take it or leave it." The man said again.

"50 now, and 50 after the jobs done." JJ answered.


"Uh, your'e not a part of the mafia or anything are you?" JJ asked.

The man stared blankly at JJ. After a moment he started again. "Show me the cash."

"Well, you see, here's the thing. The money is actually what were trying to get first."

The man scoffed again. "Call me when you got it."

"Well about that, we kind of need to leave like RIGHT when we get to the money.."

"How do you kids have that much money anyway?"

"You don't ask questions, we don't ask questions." JJ replied

"I don't know what the fuck i'm doing with a bunch of kids anyway." He turned away.

"Wait!" Kie exclaimed. "500k if you help us to get the money and fly the plane out."

He turned back around.

"It's a deal. But trust me when I say, if you kids try anything, i'll shoot all your pretty little heads off."

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