Escape plan

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UGH!! I'm so pissed rn. I literally wrote like 800 words than I accidentally exited Wattpad. Now I only have the first three paragraphs. I hate myself. fml.

"So what do we do now?" JJ asked.

John B looked us all over. "Escape."

"Wait are you serious John B?" Kiara asked.

"It may be our only option. Do you really think Ward will let us go when he knows we're going to tell the cops the truth?" John B replied.

"He's right. We have to figure out a plan." I said. "But we have to be extremely careful. If Ward finds out we're escaping, it will be really bad. And if he catches us as we make the break, he might shoot us."

"Do you really think he would kill his own daughter?" JJ asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think he would do almost anything to save his own ass, and have the gold for himself." I frowned.

John B hugged me. "It'll be alright, we'll be alright."

I nodded and gave a faint smile.

"Okay, so whats the plan?" JJ asked rubbing his hands together.

"Well, there's a vent in the ceiling. It has to lead to somewhere right? So I was thinking, if we found the way out, we could escape from there." John B said.

"Okay sherlock." JJ muttered.

"If theres a vent in here, there has to be vents in all the other rooms right? I mean there can't just be a single room with a vent." Kiara added.

"Yeah that's true, so if we find the way to another room, one preferably that's not visible from the main part of the room, and hopefully by the exit, we could make a run for it from there." I said.

"Man, I feel left out!" JJ declared.

Kie chuckled and grabbed his arm.

They're awfully touchy more than usual.

My thoughts were interupted by John B. "So we need someone to go in there and try to find a way to another room, probably the smallest person."

We all looked at Kie.

"Really guys?"

"Hey, you should take that as a compliment." John B stated.

Kiara rolled her eyes and dragged the chair under the vent. She got on it and climbed up.

I noticed JJ was watching her.

"Hey, try to be quiet, we don't want Ward to hear. Also try to be as quick as possible before Ward comes back into the room." John B said.

She nodded.

Not too long after, she came back and jumped down.

"So?" JB asked anxiously.

"Well, the vent is really long. It's pretty tight too. There was different ways. I just went straight until it ended. There was a vent that went into a room."

"Was it by the exit?" JJ questioned.

"I'm not sure. But I didn't take any turns so the door to the room is probably visible to the main room, meaning Ward would probably see. It was the farthest room away though, so it probably is by an exit. If we were to go to a different room, it would be closer to Ward. There isn't many rooms though, I noticed that when we first came into the warehouse. It may be our best, and only option."

JJ walked up to the chair. "So let's get the hell out of this place already."

John B stopped him. "Bro, Ward hasn't been in to check on us for ahwile. He's probably gonna be back any time now."

"Exactly, and when he comes back he's probably going to tie us all up, than we really wont be able to escape." JJ replied.

He has a point. Ward didn't tie them up so we could hug and shit. How nice of him. When he comes back he's going to restrain us, than we'll be screwed.

JJ climbed into the vent and we all followed him.

He led the way forward the whole time. it was pretty cramped and narrow, so that slowed us down.

We stopped as we reached the end. JJ gripped the vent, and pulled it up. He basically fell down, so that was pretty loud.

"Really JJ? How graceful." Kie said as she jumoed down.

"Guys try to be a little more quiet." Sarah said as she followed, and John B after.

Once we were all down, we went for the door. John B was in front. The room had no windows, so it was the only way out.

"W're going to try to sneak out, but if Ward sees us, we all need to run straight out the door. You got it?" John B asked looking at all of us.

"Got it."

John B cracked the door open and peeked out.

"Any sign of him?" Sarah whispered.

John B shook his head.

I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing. Having eyes on him might be better.

JB crept out, and we all followed shortly behind. We ducked behind some storage containers, and made our way to the nearest door, hopefully leading outside.

Still, no sign of Ward. He could be in the room he was holding us at right this very minute. Shit, I might have a panick attack. My breathing was starting to become irregular. I tried hard to steady my pulse, and attempt to relax, but my heart was beating rapidly. I don't remember the last time I had a panic attack.

John B looked back at me. "You alright?" He whispered.

I nodded my head.

He reached back and grabbed hold of my hand.

We continued to make our way to the door. Finally when we got there, John B unlocked it and led the way out.

When we were finally outside, we all sighed of relief. "Okay, this is the part where we run." John B announced.

We all started running as fast as we could without looking back. Ward could have figured it out by now and started after us.

We ran until we couldn't anymore. We stopped in a little town and all took a minute to breathe. Once we caught up with ourselves, Kie started. "Guys, we need to go somewhere, like a motel or something. We can't just stay out here for Ward or any of his guys to find us.

I nodded. "We still have some money from the gold we brought. Come on."

Kiara POV:

We walked to the nearest motel and checked in. It wasn't too shabby, it was pretty mediocre. John B and Sarah got themselves a room to share, and we decided JJ and I would share a room. We still had yet to tell John B and Sarah the news of our relationship. It's not that we are hiding it or anything, it just never came up. It's been pretty crazy since we got here. We all retired to our rooms, and decided we would get some rest than all meet back together in one of each others rooms to figure things out.

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