A day spent together

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It was the next day. Again, I could not stop thinking about a particular blonde. He was on my mind all the time. We've only kissed a couple of times, so I don't know if he wants to make it official. It's all just so new.


I had many dreams last night, one including a special girl. I wanted nothing more than to see Kiara right now. If only I could wake up next to her everyday.

I really did'nt have anything to do today, so i thought I would ask Kiara if she wanted to spend it with me. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Any plans for today?

Hm..depends. why?

Would you like to hang out with yours truly for the day?

I'll have to check my schedule.

You do that

I think I can manage to squeeze you in. ;)

Great be ready in 30 minutes i'll pick you up

I'll be ready!

I got up and went to the bathroom. I did the everyday routine. Kiara bought me a toothbrush, toothpaste and deoderant the other day so I wouldn't have to go home. She's so thoughtful. I debated on if I should brush my hair. It's not too bad.. but then again... After much thought, I quickly ran a comb I found in the bathroom drawer through my hair.

I grabbed the keys to the twinkie and started for Kiaras house. I prayed Anna wouldn't notice I was there. I was halfway to her house when I remebered I forgot to grab a blunt. I was already late because I stopped at the store to grab some things, but you know me.

I drove back to the house and ran in. I grabbed a blunt and a six pack of beer, just in case. I had just bought it recently.

Finally I arrived at Kies house. I didn't want to knock on her door just because I wouldn't want Anna to answer. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

I have arrived your majesty.

Splendid, I shall be out in a few moments.

Very well.

She came out wearing a sweatshirt and some jeans. The weather wasn't it's best today, it was a bit cloudy, but the sun still shone brightly. It was quite hot out actually.

She got into the passengers seat and greeted me with a smile. I returned the gesture.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see" I said followed by a wink.


I started the van and we drove off. After driving for some time, and chatting here and there, we finally arrived at our destination. It's the place I go when I need to think, be alone, or just get away.

"Where are we?" Kie asked.

I got out of the van as Kie followed. I walked a little then stopped and stood facing the building. After a bit, I spoke.

"This was like my second home." I stated.

"Really?" She asked.

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