Here begins a new life

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Please, please read this; it is important:

Uhm, uhm *coughs*, your attension please. Don't worry, guys. I won't torture you with my long speech. This is just a... hmm... notice. SO let me start with it. Many, in fact myslef too, have noted that 'The Forgiven Bite' looks similar to 'Twilight Saga', but my dear friends, let me clear this out. This story may look similar to Twilight, but this is limited to only first two chapters. This story is not copied/inspired from Twilight neither it is similar to it in any shape or form. If it is found similar, then it will be considered just a coincidence.

Wow! This looked like a desclaimer. Well, this is it. This story is completely different (I am Vampire Diaries fan and you can say, TVD inspired me to write TFB, but again it is different from TVD too). There are certainly no sparkling/glittering vampires in my story. At this note, I will end up my speech.

Hope you like it now, and you won't be looking for any sparkling vampire or jacob :P

Steven's Pic at the side :)


Chapter 2

As soon as I turned, my eyes met with a pair of very unusual golden-honey eyes. I never felt so captivated by someone's eyes; I was being drawn away into a pool of gold and honey. He stared me back, making it difficult for me to look away. We stared at each other for how long I don't know, but a nudge from Mitzy brought me back onto the grounds of canteen.

I unlocked the stare and moved my eyes, gazing his flawless handsome face. His golden-honey eyes complemented his pale skin perfectly. His full lips were pressed in a thin line. While the way he carried his chiseled body gave him a diplomatic look, his disheveled jet black hair enhanced his sexy appearance. The v-neckline black t-shirt that he was sporting was mockingly stretching on his perfect body. I moved my gaze from his broad chest, trailing down to his abs and into the defined V, causing me to blush madly. With all these features, he looked almost like a Greek God. He was too handsome and stating him even gorgeous was an understatement.

I was just unable to remove my gaze off him, until he turned to meet my eyes again, making my already red cheeks burn in embarrassment. I lowered my eyes and wandered it on to the other two accompanying him who seemed to be his siblings. The other boy had same features as his, including pale skin, muscular body and similar height. The only difference was his eyes which were deep grey ones and sandy hair that reached just above his shoulder giving him a hunky look.

And the girl with them... well, I can just say that right now each and every girl present in the canteen was envying her, including me. A common girl trait, I can say? She was a beauty from heaven. If anything can define what beauty is, then it was her pale skin, long golden hair that touched her waist line, deep blue eyes, a perfect figure to die on and a pink pouting lips on a heart shaped face. She was in an outfit that suitably revealed her perfect curves-- a tight jeans and pink top with a denim jacket over it.

I giggled at the site of my friends seated around me, whom I had totally forgotten for a split second. Eloise and Mac had their jaws dropped down and... well, Lee and Stechi , looking at the way they both whispered and giggled, gave me a hint of their plans to try a date out with those two handsome new comers. This annoyed me a little without any valid reason known to me.

I just stared back at the group, who had now taken the other side corner seat. They were having a deep chat. A sudden urge shot through me to go to them, to be with them, to know them, to know him, to submerge into the pool of his golden-honey eyes, to touch his lips...

What the hell had I been thinking? I creased my brows in confusion at the trail of thoughts coming into my mind for a stranger whom I was seeing for the first time.

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