Chapter 2

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The camera smashed to pieces under Veronica's heel as she smugly faced Johnny Storm who looked at her in outrage.

"And the look on your face when I smashed that camera, completely free and absolutely and unbelievably hilarious," she smirked as she tossed him his uniform and Ben pressed a kiss to her cheek in thanks and admiration.

"Anytime," she smiled as she then took off her jacket to reveal the navy blue suit she wore underneath, her long raven hair cascading down her back as she did and Johnny gave an appreciative whistle.

"Not even in your dreams Storm," Veronica scowled at him before turning back to Ben as he laughed,

"You look like you should be doing Swan Lake in that get-up. I mean there is no way I am putting that on. Like, who the hell designed these?"

"Victor did," came Sue's voice as she walked in with Ben and Reed's uniforms, already dressed in her blue suit with her zipper partially down her chest like Veronica's, only lower. "The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your body's individual needs," she explained as Reed stood up with a marvelled look on his face.

"See that means, it keeps the hot stuff hot and it keeps the cool stuff cool," Johnny piped up as Ben just gaped at him.

"Thanks for that Einstein. Recycling the same dumb-down explanation that Sue gave when you asked what they are. Well done," Veronica said sarcastically and Johnny only winked.

"Anytime gorgeous," he said, camera incident completely forgotten as Reed marvelled at the suit rather than Sue as she'd hoped.

She then held out the uniforms and said, "Here you go Ben."

"Thanks, sweetie," he replied as he took it as she tossed Reed's at him as she walked by, frustrated again.

"You're gonna end up owing me 20 bucks," she smirked at her betting partner who just waved her off as she laughed, Johnny surprisingly enchanted by the sound.

"I'll leave you boys to change. Try not to kill each other," she said to Ben and Johnny before walking out the way Sue did, hips swaying.

And just when she was about to turn the corner, she heard Johnny's voice say, "Now that is how you wear a suit."


Veronica had been one of the first off the rocket as she made for her favourite observation window, small but with a sight.

She couldn't help the smile that graced her lips as she admired the way the sun shone on the Earth, the clouds swirling above the patches of land and sea.

"Wow," came a voice and Veronica was annoyed that he'd followed her but the smile on her lips stayed as she looked out the window, unable to drop it as she gazed at the view beyond the glass.

"My favourite window. It's the best view from the entire station, save for the observation deck," she explained as she felt Johnny stand behind her, his shoulder barely brushing hers as he looked out the window.

"It's beautiful," Johnny commented, Veronica not seeing the small glance he threw her way before her brother's voice called for them both as they entered the shielded spherical control centre.

"We can monitor the clouds approach and observe the tests from here," Sue explained as she followed Johnny who walked around the circular bridge.

"Is it safe?" Ben asked as he began unzipping his uniform, anxious to breathe properly.

"I'm hurt that you would question it. I designed these shields after all," Veronica smiled playfully as she met his eyes before following Sue and Johnny to help unload the cases they brought.

It was when her brother began speaking that she dropped everything and began to walk back over.

"So take a walk then," Victor had said as he leaned on the rails of the bridge, observation deck below.

"Alright boys, we're all friends here. Come on Ben, I'll help you with your suit," she said as she shot both Ben and her brother a look.

"Fine by me. And if you'll all excuse me, I actually need to borrow Susan for a moment," Victor announced.

Sue looked curious as to what he could possibly want as the rest of the boys followed Veronica out.

"I think it's you who owes me 20 bucks," Ben smirked as he tried to push back the anger he held towards Veronica's brother.

"Ok, so she'll probably say yes because what woman would say no to the rich, beautiful bastard who proposes in space of all places. But until a wedding happens or a document is signed, I ain't forking over any money buddy," Veronica promised as they entered the airlock bay.

"We'll see about that." 

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