Chapter 12

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Veronica walked into the Baxter building after her conversation with Ben, her unable to convince him that he didn't need to change and that other people's opinions didn't matter.

But Johnny was waiting for her.

"Not in the mood Storm," she said, not even looking at him as she walked by.

"Veronica, please, I'm sorry!"

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to!" she yelled as she turned to face him, and Johnny was filled with guilt.

"He has had the woman he loved leave him. The whole world judge him because of the way he looks. I don't blame him for wanting to be normal again, but you pranking him and insulting him every chance you get doesn't help."

"I'm sorry-"

"Go apologise to the person who needs it," she waved him off as she slammed her door shut.


When Veronica came out of her room, she found Sue and Reed arguing with Ben.

"Victor was right," the giant had said and Veronica was instantly filled with worry.

"What did my brother say to you, Ben?" Veronica interrupted moving between the two, because she could sense a physical fight about to break out.

"This doesn't involve you Ronnie!" he'd growled at her.

"If it involves my brother it involves me. He isn't ok. And anything Victor said to you was a lie. He's manipulating you," she persisted but ben was too focused on Reed.

"I spent my whole life protecting you for what? So you could play twister with your girlfriend while I'm Freak of the Week. I don't think so!" Ben yelled as he pushed Reed into a table which promptly fell over, the scientist along with it.

"Stop it, Ben!" Sue yelled and he turned on her.

"Stay out of this Susie."

"Stop it or I will."

"Way ahead of you," Veronica said as her hands glowed and Ben was encased in blue light as he could move.

The girl strained when Ben tried to fight back, rage and adrenaline giving him unimaginable strength.

"Let me go Ronnie or you'll regret it."

"Calm down Ben," Veronica persisted as Sue placed a hand on her shoulder and it was like a burst of energy and adrenaline as strength filled Veronica and her hold on ben solidified as Sue retracted her hand.

Eventually, she let Ben go, but he wasn't calm. He charged at them only for Reed on jump on him, wrapping himself around Ben until the giant couldn't move anymore.

"Good thing you're flexible enough to watch your own back," he muttered as Reed let go.

"You three are on your own."

And Ben was gone.


"Johnny have you seen Ben?!" Sue asked as she and Veronica saw Johnny in the lobby on their hunt for Ben.

"Yeah, Sunshine just left. And since I'm not really wanted around these parts, I gotta get back to the real world," he answered as he walked by the two.

"You're calling that the real world?"

"Look Sue, stop talking to me like that. You're not Mom, alright. I'm not a little boy."

"Maybe I would if you stop acting like one," Sue persisted. "Do you even hear yourself? Who do you think you are?"

"Why is everyone on my ass? You guys want to be jealous that's fine. I didn't expect it to come from you though."

"You really think those people out there care -"

"Sue!" Veronica interrupted and the blonde turned. "Can I have a minute with Johnny please?"

She looked from her brother to Veronica and eventually relented as she stormed over to the elevator, deciding that yelling at Johnny wouldn't get her anywhere.

"Would you believe me if I said I apologised to ben when he came down here?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Johnny shrugged. "No one really seems to be able to trust me to do anything anymore."

"When have I ever done that? You may be an annoying ass half the time but you aren't stupid, despite the stupid decisions you make."

It was supposed to be a compliment, but that's not what Johnny heard.

"Well, you know what was a stupid decision? Kissing you."

Veronica froze at the words and her brain instantly said, 'I knew it." her heart broke because she'd hoped it was genuine. But her head was right, caring about Johnny storm would only get her hurt.

"If kissing me and spending all that time with me was such a stupid decision, the go to the real world! Maybe you'll find someone who cares about you there because the fact that I do apparently means nothing to you!"

Regret instantly filled Johnny's eyes, wishing he could take back those words the second he'd seen the hurt in his eyes.

"Veronica, I-"

"Go! And we'll pretend that your stupid decision never happened. If I can, seeing as it happened on live TV."

And she disappeared into the elevator. 

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