Chapter 8

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Veronica had nothing more than a somewhat low heart rate after she was examined, paramedics a little concerned but gave no remedies other than for her to have some water.

And after an impromptu press conference where Veronica had gotten sufficiently peeved at both Johnny and the reporters. 

The reporters that were constantly asking about her brother and the argument they'd had, apparently one of the hospital staff had squealed. And Johnny for calling Ben a mascot in front of hundreds of people after he's just witnessed Ben's fiancée leave him.

After Veronica defended him and Reed put an end to the questions, they were given a police escort to the Baxter building, Veronica full of anger as they drove.

She was already peeved at Johnny and was now forced to sit on his lap as they drove in the squad car because the front seat was occupied by two cops, and Sue had refused to sit on either Johnny or Reed. And Reed would've just been awkward about it so that left her with Johnny. Ben was carted back in a police transport van, no one able to ride with him or else the car wouldn't move with the weight of him. 

Johnny didn't dare say a word as she got out of the car, putting a smile on her face as people were forced back by police barriers as they took photos, cheered and held up signs. Johnny was somewhat amazed at her transformation, unaware of how many times she'd had to do it, being the sister of one of the richest men in the world.

He revelled in the attention as they walked into the building, Ben trying to talk to the people, but not having the best people skills as Veronica looped her arm with his as they walked through the lobby, the giant extra careful not to hurt her with his unfamiliar strength and size.

"We had a tough year," Reed explained as he looked through the rather large stack of final notice payments and headed into the elevator.

"Yeah, like nine straight," Ben mused as he let Veronica into the elevator first before following in after. After pressing the button to the penthouse floor, the machine groaned and creaked but didn't appear to move.

"Either we're moving really fast or not at all," Johnny voiced and was answered as writing flashed, 'exceed maximum weight,' and the doors opened.

"I'll take the stairs," Ben said dejectedly as the doors closed, this time him on the other side and the elevator began to move.

"How come Ben can't turn it on and off like we can?" Johnny asked as he sat on the railing of the elevator.

"That's what we're here to find out," Reed answered as he looked away from Sue.

"I mean if it happened to him -" Sue began.

"What? You, mean like, we won't be able to turn it off either? That would save time," Johnny finished and Veronica grabbed for the railing as a wave of fatigue hit her.

"You don't really want to walk around on fire for the rest of your life, do you?" Sue asked her brother incredulously.

"Is that a trick question?" Johnny asked, too wrapped in his banter with his sister to notice Veronica as her knees tried to buckle.

"Grow up," Sue fired back.

"Am I the only one who thinks this is cool?"

"Are you ok?" Reed asked as he held onto Veronica's arm, the girl struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Tired. I haven't eaten all day and whatever I did on the bridge wore me out I think," she offered as the elevator dinged open and Sue walked out, surprised that her brother stayed to help Reed with Veronica.

"We should stay here until we find the extent of our changes and figure out how to reverse them," Reed began as he left Johnny to help Veronica into the apartment.

"Wow," Johnny said as he saw what the hallway from the elevator led to.

A massive open, spherical space filled with chalkboards and all kinds of devices as Reed spoke from the upper level as he turned on the lights.

Johnny had then taken to carrying Veronica who'd grown weaker by the second as she laid her head on his shoulder, the smell of sea salt and vanilla filling his nostrils.

"What do you think?" Reed asked as he came back from wherever he'd vanished to.

"I think you might be bringing your work home with you," Johnny commented as he looked around, Veronica virtually weightless in his arms.

"Let me show you where you'll be staying. Veronica first," Reed said as he walked off, indicating for Johnny to follow.

As he was led into Veronica's room, Johnny found himself a little reluctant to let her go as he set her down.

It was as if time stood still while he stared at her, brushing a strand of hair from her face and covering her with a blanket before walking out after Reed and leaving her alone.

What was happening to him?


Several hours later in the afternoon, Veronica woke due to the growl of her stomach becoming unbearable. But as she'd walked out of her room in search of food, she found a different scene. Her brother yelling at Reed as the lights flickered in the corridor.

"Veronica," Victor said, instantly calming down.

"Why are you here?" she asked, barely wanting to speak to him at all.

"To take you and Susan home."

"No. No. Don't come near me. Don't touch me. Don't even talk to me. I'm not going anywhere with you," Veronica said, tears lining her eyes as she took a couple of steps away from him.

"Veronica -"

"I believe the lady said no," came Johnny's voice as he rounded the corner with Ben who asked,

"Is there a problem?"

Victor sighed, but glared daggers at Johnny, knowing he wouldn't win this fight.

"No. No problem, Ben," Victor promised as Johnny moved closer to Veronica, checking if she was alright.

Victor grew angry again as he leaned close to Reed and said lowly, "Just pay your damn electric bill and get to work on finding a cure."

And he was gone.

"Ronnie, you alright sweetie?" Ben asked and she shook her head, a fearful look on her face.

"That's not my brother. My brother doesn't scare me and whoever that is, scares me."

"Hey, hey. Look you're safe here. No one would think about hurting you while Ben's around, alright? " Johnny asked as he had both arms on her biceps, the touch of his skin warm and reassuring as she nodded her head slowly, blinking away the tears in her eyes as she took a deep breath.

"There you go. Now let's get some food in you, you look like you're about to pass out again," Johnny joked, making her smile as he and Ben led her to the kitchen, the giant surprised at Johnny's care for the girl, but said nothing as he watched.

As he watched how Veronica seemed calmed by Johnny's presence, and he seemed to notice it as he made sure not to leave her side until she fell asleep again. 

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