Chapter 14

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Sue ran into the room to find Ben unconscious first, shocked and amazed when her fingers brushed his skin.

"Sue!" called her brother's voice.

"Johnny, the machine worked!" she replied happily as her brother jogged into the room, but before she could ask for a hand with Ben, Johnny's eyes landed on something else.


He crashed to his knees as he lifted her unconscious form up gently. Asides from the little stream if blood dripping from her brow line where Victor had kicked her, Johnny was relieved to find that there wasn't a mark on her body.

"Veronica, wake up. Please. I take it back. I take it back. It wasn't a mistake. It was the best thing that's ever happened to me, so wake up. Please," Johnny begged as Sue helped Ben up and got him talking.

"No...No get all sappy...on me now," Veronica groaned as her eyes fluttered open and Johnny let out a sigh of relief as he kissed her, Veronica not quite aware of what was happening.

"What happened?" he asked as he pulled away and helped her up, holding onto her as she wasn't the most stable on her feet yet.

"My brother. He took Reed. I tried to stop him."

"Are you telling me that Victor has powers?" Johnny asked as he brushed the hair from her face.

"He was hit by the cloud. And he exposed himself again turning Ben back to normal."

After getting Veronica some food to help keep her energy up, she, Sue and Johnny moved to the balcony to inspect the damage and see if Reed could possibly survive a fall from that height.

But as they looked, their attention was drawn by the sound of a missile shooting through the air, launched from her brother's building.

"That's a heat-seeking missile, target locked, we gotta get out of here now!" Veronica said urgently as Johnny peered over the edge of the balcony.

"I got an idea," he said as he backed up.

"Johnny," Veronica said warily as he quickly pecked her on the lips and Sue said,

"Don't even think about it."

"Never do."

And Johnny jumped.

"Johnny, no!" Sue screamed as both girls rushed to the ledge to watch as Johnny fell and the missile went after him.

They watched as Johnny burst into flame, metres from the ground before he took off across the city, missile following.

Veronica turned to Sue as she began to strip off her clothes.

"I'm going after him. You help Reed."

"How do you plan on helping him?" Sue asked worried as Veronica stood in her blue suit and pulled her hair out so it reached the middle of her back in black waves.

"A little trick I've been practicing."

And Veronica jumped.

Jumped and manipulated the energy around her before she shot like a rocket after Johnny in a blue blur.

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