Chapter 5

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Veronica and Johnny both sat side by side on the edge of the helicopter, snowboards attached to their feet as the chopper hovered on the mountainside.

"Alright I think you should stay to the right, the left might give you trouble," Johnny yelled to her over the sound of the helicopter blades spinning.

Veronica just rolled her eyes.

She'd been boarding these mountains for years, anything short of an avalanche couldn't stop her.

She merely rolled her eyes at the naïve boy as he told the pilots to drop 10 more feet and pulled on her goggles.

"Last one down springs for room service," she yelled at him before jumping from the chopper, yelling out in joy and excitement as she snowboarded and flipped down the mountain, Johnny watching in awe for a second before jumping after her.

The sun shone brightly on the mountain as Johnny chased Veronica down the hill, the woman and a blue blur as she flipped off slopes, Johnny copying her movements but not surpassing them.

"You're losing," she yelled to him as he finally caught up, and she playfully skidded snow at him, nothing but a smile on her face. Who thought she could be having fun with Johnny Storm of all people?

"Alright, no more kid stuff! Check this out!" he yelled back as he boarded past her a trail of black smoke in his wake as he flipped off a slope.

"You're on fire!" Veronica yelled worriedly.

"Thanks but you're better!" he admitted and Veronica rolled her eyes as she switched from watching where she was going to Johnny.

"No idiot! You're on fire!" she yelled again as the yellow-orange flames began to grow bigger.

Johnny began to panic as he tried to pat out the fire and watch where he was going, his efforts only knocking Veronica over and sending her tumbled as he headed straight for the cliff.

But by the time she got to the bottom, she found a very confused and very naked Johnny storm in a cave-like pool of boiling hot water made from melted ice.

The murky water preventing her from seeing anything below his waist.

She pulled her goggles up as he finally met her eyes.

"Any chance in hell that you'd care to join me?" he asked, waiting, as soon as the words left his lips, for her to blow up at him as she declined his offer.

Veronica enjoyed the look of shock and surprise on his face as she stripped off her jacket. 

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