Chapter 16

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"You three are pathetic!" Victor spat before he was hit with a ball of fire and a ball of blue energy, making him drop the light post he held as he stumbled to keep his balance.

"You missed us," Johnny said as he landed, Veronica by his side, hair still damp after they'd landed in the river before the freighter had exploded.

Ben stood as the five of them lined up parallel to Victor.

"Had a little relapse huh?" Johnny smirked at the giant. "Welcome back."

"This is going to be fun," Victor said as he raised his arms into the air and electricity shot from all over his body, striking in random directions.

Eventually, he stopped, taking out Johnny and Ben with massive bolts, before shooting one at Sue who threw up a shield.

"I can't hold it!" she screamed and Veronica took over.

She pushed Sue out of the way as the bolt met with a plume of her blue energy, sparks flying from where they met in the middle, but it was obvious that Veronica was losing as the electricity moved closer towards her.

"Sue!" she yelled. "Hit me with a body blast!"


"Just do it!"

A wall of purple energy, in the shape of Sue's body, flew from her and hit Veronica, charging her up as she won and sent Victor flying backwards as she hit him.

But the villainous Von Doom was already on his feet, as were Ben and Johnny.

Reed, however, was the first to act, rolling towards Victor before stretching out his body and wrapping up Victor like a mummy.

"Johnny! Supernova!" he yelled.

"I thought we agreed that was bad!"


Johnny ran as he lit up and Ben pulled Reed off Victor as Johnny came back, flying in circles around Victor as he surrounded him in a column of fire.

"Sue! Think you can contain it?!" Reed yelled over the roar of fire, and just before Sue could let out a force field, Veronica stopped her.

"Let's do it together," she said and the blonde nodded as they joined hands and a force field of swirling blue and purple energy erupted from them as it surrounded the tornado of fire.

Eventually, both of them began to bleed from their noses as they dropped the field, exhausted, and Johnny dropped to the ground, panting as he hauled himself to his feet and the fire died down.

Veronica gasped at what her brother had become.

His entire body was made of metal, mask covering his face as he appeared to be melting.

"Is that the best that you can do? A little heat?" he whispered demonically.

"Time for your lesson," Reed began, a satisfied, almost smug grin on his fast. "Chem 101. what happens when you rapidly cool hot metal?"

Victor's eyes seemed to widen as he surged forward, only for Ben to kick off the top of a fire hydrant as he used his foot to aim the water at Reed who transformed into a ramp that fired the water at Victor.

Sue was lying on the ground, Veronica on her knees as they waited for the cloud of steam to disperse, Ben patching up the fire hydrant.

"Whoa," the giant exclaimed as they saw the metal statue that Victor had turned into.

He then approached Johnny and said, "You done good, kid."

Johnny smiled as Ben tapped him on the shoulder. "Go get your girl."

His eyes seemed to widen slightly as he rushed over to her, the girl kneeling on the pavement as Sue laid on it.

"Veronica! You ok?" he asked as he lifted her to her feet and Reed helped up Sue.

"I'm good," she promised as he wrapped her in a hug, burying his face in her neck as he inhaled her scent, glad she was alright.

Eventually, the five of them moved together as people started cheering.

"Man, I love this job," Johnny said and Veronica smiled as she shook her head at him.

"Job, huh?" Ben questioned.

"Well we do have the suits," Reed said and Veronica's smile grew even bigger. 

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