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Minhee latches herself more into Yoongi once she notices Jimin walking upto them.
His face is still plastered with a beautiful smile that hide his true feelings.

Jimin doesn't care about the constant stare he gets from her , instead with his slow and firm steps he continue to walk towards Yoongi.

" I think Haru wants to sleep in his daddy's arms." He pouts a little , crouching down a little so they can see Haru's face clearly.

He gently slides the baby into Yoongi's hold , looking straight into Minhee's eyes as he says those words. He could see the momentarily shock processing in her eyes.

Yoongi nods as Jimin passes Haru to him. He slides his hand beneath Haru to hold him more carefully. And that's when Minhee finally notices the similarity between Yoongi and the baby. They seem to have the same eyes and nose.

" He's your son ?" She asks in disbelief, as if all this is a facade set up on purpose.
Before Yoongi could even say anything, Jimin places his hand on his shoulder. Giving it a little squeeze.

" He's our son." His counter attack is a powerful and confident one , he withdraw his hand back from Yoongi's shoulder. This time he places it right on top of Yoongi's hand that lays on top of their son.

Jungkook and Taehyung give each a silent high five. Jungkook have to admit that even though the plan sounded a little uncertain in the beginning, it actually worked quite well.

Minhee fumes from anger , tucking her hairs behind her ear in annoyance. She crosses her legs in a criss cross position. Her nails starting to dig inside the soft cushion causing little scratches on the expensive material.

" Then why haven't you both mated yet ?" The question catches Jimin off guard. She smirks on noticing his face going pale with her question. She could easily tell that they were still unmated because of their distinct scents.

It was as if, she has stepped on his weak point. But Jimin wasn't in the mood to play today.

" Oh that..." He looks straight into Yoongi's eyes. The older is very much confused by the sudden change in Jimin's personality. But he knows better than to play along with it rather than question the younger.

" We're saving it for a very special time."
If you want to know how to make your crush's ex girlfriend jealous , be free to contact Jimin ssi.

She shuts her mouth after that , feeling all the humiliation down upon her in one go. Jimin watches her with a satisfied smile. She should have known her place from the start.

" Umm why is the atmosphere so tense. Here let's have some drinks." Jungkook pours the wine into glasses trying to ease the palpable tension that's been developed in the room.
" I'll just have juice." Jimin requests.
" Same for me." Yoongi adds from behind. He have to drive them back home so, it's better to stay sober.

" Yeah , they both have to take care of their dear son , just give them some juice." Taehyung says , purposely adding fuel to Minhee's temper.

She clenches her hold tightly on the wine glass.
" Carefully Minhee ssi. You might break it." Jimin remarks from behind , reassuring her with his innocent smile.

" Jimin ah , I think he's sleepy." Yoongi looks at Haru who's almost passed out in his lap but the chatting noises eventually stops him from falling asleep.

" You can lay him down in my room." Jungkook gesture towards one of the black door that eventual leads into his room.

Jimin nods , taking Haru back from Yoongi's arms. The baby starts crying once he's woken up from his comfortable position.

" Shh it's okay. Let's get you to sleep." He keeps his glass down on the table, following Jungkook to his room.

His room is twice as big as Jimin's and there's so much to take in. The fancy bed , the designer lampshade , the LED lights , the artificial plants that goes so well with the mood. Everything about his room screams perfection.

" I'll bring you a blanket." Jungkook opens one of the big cabinet to fetch one.
Jimin gets a little view of his closet that mostly seems to be full of monotones.

Jimin lays Haru down, thinking that he was asleep but just when the cold mattress touches his skin, he starts crying. Jungkook looks over at him in concern but, Jimin assures him with a smile, it's a common thing for him now but it must not be the same way with Jungkook.

" He's a deep sleeper but, usually makes a lot of fuss while falling asleep." He continues to pats his back, gently.
" You should go outside. I'll come after getting him to sleep." Jungkook nods, placing the blanket on the bed.

It took Jimin another 10 minutes to finally send Haru off to sleep. Enclosing him between the cushion walls, he finally steps out after tucking him in.

But when he walks back in , the room seems more emptier than before. His eyes trails off to find Yoongi but there is no sign of him and nor is there any of Minhee.

" Where's hyung ?" Taehyung looks back from the sofa. Signalling him to come and take a seat next to him.

" He went to drop her off." Jimin raises his brow at that , there's no way he's telling the truth right now. Yoongi alone with that girl, in a car, the thought doesn't sit right with him.

" He said that it was not safe for her to go back at such an hour and offered to drive her back. And she gladly accepted."
Jimin doesn't say anything about it , but on inside he just want to choke Minhee and punch Yoongi in his guts.

" Jungkook, this is the right time. Go bring it." Taehyung pokes him on the side , continuing to do so until the younger gets off his seat.

" I don't think so we should do it." Jungkook places his hand on his arm, making the older stop poking him.

Taehyung looks at him at that moment, he tries to seem intimidating but with his soft looks Jungkook just find him more adorable.
" I'm your hyung. You should listen to me." He stares into Jungkook's eyes , continuing to lean in closer until jungkook finally gave up.
" Fine." He groans, walking towards the kitchen.

" It's not even that dark yet , she could have just booked a cab. Hyung, didn't have to drop her off himself." Taehyung knows what he's doing. He knows and that's why he's doing it.

" How could he even think that getting in a car with his ex girlfriend would have been a great idea. " He's hiting the same spot again and again till Jimin's patience finally breaks out and the volcano erupts.

Jimin fixes his stare on one of the flower vase. The way he's concentrating so hard on it, it feels like it's gonna shatter any time soon, breaking it into million pieces.

He places his hand on Jimin's shoulder. Getting closer to him once his hands finally lands on the thing that Jungkook has passed him earlier.
Jimin didn't even flinch on the out of the blue touch , instead his stare just got cavernous.

" Here. A chilled drink will help you calm down." He passes the soft drink can into his hand. Jimin finally averts his gaze down at the can. He continues to fumble with it for quite a while before drinking it down in one go.

Jungkook just gulp down in nervousness on seeing Jimin like that. He have a hunch that something's gonna go wrong.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now