Bakugou's POV♠
I saw something interesting. There are two guys, in an alley, having a conversation, while a cute wolf pup is inside a cage. The poor thing had his snout chained shut. What they're doing is totally illegal.
I walked over to the two men and tapped one of the men's shoulder. "Hey, can you let the poor thing go? It looks like the chains are hurting it." I said, as the man scowled in annoyance.
"Go away." He said, anger visible in his tone.
"So what? So you could peacefully do illegal shit and have all the fun to your puny little self?" My answer made the man growl. How ironic.
He took out his knife and tried to stab me. I didn't dodge. I just used my hand to hold the knife by its cutting edge. My hand bled. Cool.
I used my transformation quirk and made my eyes red. Both sclera and iris.
I laughed to myself as the two men in front of me ran away in horror. I laughed to myself before licking my wound.
Blood tastes nice.
Geez, Toga's rubbing off on me.I "opened" the wolf pup's cage and "got rid" of the muzzle, making sure I didn't hurt it. After I removed the snout-restraining torture equipment, it immediately bit me.
Too bad, like the Nomu I am, I felt no pain. I crouched down and used my transformation quirk to make me grow wolf ears. The small thing stopped biting me and stared at my ears. It looked confused.
"I know how it feels like to be restrained." I said, as I petted it.
Flashbacks of the sludge incident came rushing to my mind. Memories of how my mouth was forced into a position I didn't want it into was somehow fresh to me, even though that was a long time ago. And that long time ago was the time I died. But this isn't about me.
"I guess we're the same in some way, Huh, buddy?" I asked as it wagged its tail. I picked it up and looked at it. Besides relating to the pup, I also liked it because it looked like a dog. I always had a soft spot for dogs. Why do I like dogs so much? Wait, don't answer. You're probably gonna say that it's because I look like a pomeranian.
"So, you're a male huh? What should I call you?" I cradled the thing in my arms like a baby.
"Hmmm... How about... Hatsu? Hatsu, that sounds great, yeah? Wait, no, it's not great. It's fucking amazing! What do you think?" The thing didn't respond. It just struggled on getting comfortable at its position. "Then, Hatsu it is." I smiled.
Walking home with Hatsu wasn't a problem. He's surprisingly easy to handle.
When I showed him to the others, Toga seemed to be the happiest. Toga thought it was a baby at first until she looked at it up close. Shigaraki was uninterested, while Kurogiri... Yeah, that misty shit gave me a lecture about being a pet owner.
I heard a high-pitched squeal, immediately recognizing it as Toga. "What is its name?" Toga asked.
"Hatsu." I answered.
"Why Hatsu- wait, ohhhhhh I get it! Because when you put Baku in front of the Hatsu it will-" "yeah, yeah." I cut the vampire bitch off.
Now that Hatsu is in my hands, only one thing is in my mind...
How will I sneak him into the school?

Finding justice in vengeance: Villain Bakugou AU
FanficMe: what would be the best plot to start with? I never wrote a BNHA fanfic before. Aki: Villain Bakugou! Ben: Wait, no! How about traitor Denki? Me: how about we do both? Them: huh? But how would you carry out the story? I mean, if you'll have two...