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Bakugou's POV♠

After talking to shitty-hair, I went to my bag, grabbed the new notebook, and approached Deku. I tapped his shoulder and put on my best Denki impression. "I'm pretty sure I forgot your name." I said, smiling.

Izuku turned- I mean, Deku turned red, and fiddled with his fingers. " already, Kaminari? M-My name is Midoriya." He stuttered.

"Oh, right. Here!" I handed him the notebook, and he turned even redder.

"Kaminari, what is this for?" He raised a question.

"When I returned to the classroom, I saw your old notebook! It was burning so I didn't get to save it." His once flushed face was now frowning.

"I don't know... I can't replace that. It's... Important... To me... Memories... It just held a sentimental value." He stated sadly. "I don't think I can replace-"

"you're not replacing it!" I cut him off. "You're not replacing it, you're just adding new memories, continuing your old life. Yes, it isn't with your old one, but who knows? The new one could make you just as happy!" I faked a smile.

I gotta admit. Yes, I do think of that shitty nerd as my friend. I regret hurting him and all, and my regret just got worse when I saw his state after I got... "Revived". I know, I'm supposed to be gone. I know I did messed up shit. I know that notebook reminded him of me. But it hurts me to see my friend carry around that notebook, calling it a keeper of memories, knowing that the only memory he had of me in it, was when he studied my quirk and when I... You know... Made it explode.

"Please take it Midoriya. You deserve new-"

"You don't know what the old one meant to me." Deku started to tear up. "My feelings were attached to that, I-" he sobbed. What a fucking crybaby.

I sighed. "It's because of that Sludge kid isn't it?" He stopped to stare at me, sniffing his gross snot.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Because I do, Midoriya. I know. I did a little research and saw things I didn't exactly mean to see. Your relationship with the blonde kid is complicated. He doesn't look nice to you. He appears to hate you, even. But I know he doesn't. The question is, are the memories of him in that old notebook good?" After hearing those words, he teared up again. "I'm sure he's happier when you'll make new memories. New experiences. Take it. From now on..." I paused, flashing a grin. "I'll be the person that's going to add to your memories and be your new Katsuki! Nicer, of course!"

He hugged me and sobbed. Great, now there's gonna be snot stains on my shirt. He sniffed, and looked up at me. "How can I ever repay you?" I sweatdropped.

"You don't need to-"

"I know, I'll just introduce you to my mom!" He exclaimed happily.

Wait, what? "I don't think that's necessary-"

"yes, it is! Kacchan already met my mom many times. You'll be my Kacchan number two, right Kaminari?" He made puppy eyes. Great.

"Okay then, Midoriya. Let's...

Let's meet your mom"


I wanted to know if someone skips Midoriya's POVs so I did this.  👀

Finding justice in vengeance: Villain Bakugou AU Where stories live. Discover now