Chapter 5

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Listen to Bored-Billie Eilish


    Jolting up from my laying position I notice I'm still on my couch. Taking a few minutes to breath and catch my breath I check the time.

2:30 a.m


   Why does that sound so familiar...
I need some air, especially from that weird dream.

Going upstairs to change in to my suit, I put my hood and mask on.

Hmph, De Jè veau I guess.

Walking back down the stairs and checking the time again to see...

2:55 a.m

Walking out the door and locking it I start to make my was down the street.

     As I kept walking, I abruptly complete stop. It suddenly hits me. My dream or vision is happening right now.


     Taking off from my normal route I bolt in the direction of his restaurant.

       Why didn't I see the clues before? Why is this the first time I actually knew the time and place where my vision took place? Will I even make it in time? WHO WOULD EVEN DO SOM-

Of course he would. I came in contact with him.

      Running through the street, using the alleys as short-cuts, I finally can see the restaurant.  There it sat, burning in flames.

      Running towards it everything seemed to be in slow motion. There was no one around that I could see that could help put out the fire.

      Running towards the front doors I see his hand on the widow. Touching the handle it immediately burns my hand. I guess my adrenaline was kicking in because I was too in shock to worry about it and my main focus was getting the door opened.

I can't lose you too.

While he was standing at the door, I could see the fire in the building starting to spread towards him. While trying to open the door I noticed he was looking straight at me through the window. He smiled at me gently.

"Stop! Don't look at me like that!"

"It's alright Maya. You can't get it open." He said through the glass.

"No, I will! Just wait!" I yelled panicked. Standing back I use my quirk to try and open it. Nothing. I tried again. Nothing.

"The hell! Why isn't it working!"

    Standing back more, I look around to find another way in. I then start to hear a sinister laugh coming form behind me.

"Ahhh poor thing. You couldn't make it in time to save your him."

Slowly turning around I see them. There the drunk guy and his friends from earlier stood there watching there work in awe.

"Why...why would you do that when he didn't deserve it?" I asked through gritted teeth. Looking back at the building at Ishizawa, I notice the fire is getting closer to him.

"I mean, I did ask for one thing and you rejected me sooo I thought I would go for someone you care about. You and the little chef looked all buddy buddy so why not. Also I got bored and he was getting on my nerves being able to talk to you so freely." He said carelessly. His friends behind him start to chuckle at his statement.

"So because someone rejects and you because you're bored, you think it's okay to kill someone?" I said while staring down and getting angrier.

Don't do it, you won't be able to control yourself. Think about Ishizawa. How can you save him before the fire gets to close? Think Maya! Thi-

Freezing in my place I smell something. Slowly turning my head back, I see propane tanks on the left side of the building turned over on its side.

The fire getting closer and closer to it.

I look back at Ishizawa and he's still smiling at me. Making eye-contact, he starts to mouth a few words to me that only I could hear.

Widening my eyes I try to move out of my spot.



The last thing I saw before I felt my body get thrown back was the smile on his face.

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