Chapter 7

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3rd persons P.O.V

'Where I am, y/n asked when she seen that her arms and legs were tied to a seat. She started to struggle 'LET ME GO, she asked when she seen Rumple walk over to her. 'Hello y/n... welcome, Rumple said. 'Rumple why am I here and why am I tied up, y/n asked. 'Well I just wanted to make sure you was here to see what I'm going to do to your friend, Rumple said. Y/n looked at him confused 'what are you talking about, y/n asked when Rumple snapped his fingers and suddenly we was in a secret room of Mr Golds shop.

'PETER!, y/n said as she went to run over to him forgetting she's tied up and falling. 'Please untie me, y/n asked Rumple sighed and untied her as she sat on the floor beside the sofa that Peter was laying on. Peter's eyes slowly opened. 'Hello Peter, Rumple said as Peter sat up 'thought you would've killed me in my sleep laddie, Peter said as he looked at Rumple. I guess you, Peter said. 'PETER ! You ok, y/n asked 'y/n what you doing in here, Peter asked. 'Rumple bought me here I was tied up, y/n said.

'Tied up, Peter asked as he looked at Rumple 'why, but before Peter could finish what he was about to say he looked at his arm to see Rumple put a cuff around his wrist. 'Oh wait I see you've taken away my magic it's why it's so easy for you to strut around and pose now isn't it. That's why you Tied y/n up hurting her so I couldn't help her. 'Peter said 'no I wanted to to talk to you wanted you to see me and think about what you've done, Peter said.

As a young girl walked in behind Rumple 'who is she, y/n asked 'this is Peters daughter ... Scarlett, Rumple said 'ahh i see to look at my daughter here at the end and really see her and think about what might have been... is that what you want, Peter asked. As Scarlett walked closer 'because I do, Peter said. 'You do, y/n asked 'course , Peter said as he looked at Scarlett. 'You don't care about your daughter or love her. why do you think I bought her here, Rumple said. 'I remember looking at you Scarlett the littlest thing helpless in all mind huh those big big eyes just full of tears looking at me pulling at my name my money my time... Pulling away any hope of making my life into something anything for myself, Peter said.

'Y/n can't you see what Pan is like he's not what you think he is or could be, Rumple said as y/n looked at Peters daughter 'this pink naked squirming little girl who wanted to eat my dreams alive and never stop and what are you Rumple a couple hundred, Can't I be free of you, Peter said. 'Oh you will be in death, Scarlett said answered for Rumple. 'Scarlett Peter did what he did to protect you, y/n said. 'How do you know I don't even know who you are, Scarlett said. 'I'm y/n Peter bought me to Neverland, y/n said. 'What and you like it there, Scarlett asked. 'It's better than being with my parents, y/n said. 'I'm sure your father don't mean what he did or said, y/n said. 'Yes he does, she said. Y/n looked at Scarlett with concern.

'One last lesson Rumple... Never make a cage you can't get out of.... I made this cuff you know Peter said taking it off his arm. 'It doesn't work on me.. But on you, Peter said as the cuff appeared on Rumples arm stoping his magic. 'DOWN! BOY!, Peter said as he used his magic to make Rumple hit the shelf. 'Let's see how you do without magic, Peter said 'I've come to far for this, Rumple said. Peter then helped y/n by healing the rope burns off her arms and legs Peter grabbed his Pandora's box and went to trap his daughter in the box again. 'PETER!, y/n shouted

Peter glared at y/n 'Peter your not putting your daughter back in that box, y/n said 'really and why not I have to keep her safe, Peter said. 'Peter keeping Scarlett in that box won't keep her safe that box is to only trap people and right now I think you should trap Rumple, y/n said. 'What if she tries to escape, Peter asked. 'I'll talk to her, y/n said. 'Ive come to far for this for them, Rumple repeated. Peter smirked. 'For your daughter, Rumple said.  NO it's too late soon that flying green smoke will fill their lungs and fool their brains. Not like the rest of this town. I'm not just going to take their memories, Peter said. Peter looked at y/n to give y/n a sign to take his daughter out and talk to her. 'NO, Cause of that special meaning to you ... I'm going to take their lives... And you won't do a thing to stop me, Peter said 'soon as y/n realises what you really are she will stop you, Rumple said as Peter then laughed. 'NO she won't I saved her life and now she works for me and won't do anything... do you know why... Because for some reason she trusts and cares for me, Peter said.

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