Chapter 13

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You know dearie before you go back to Pan there is one thing Pan never told you, I heard Rumple say making me panic. 'What he still has secrets.. I thought he said he told me everything, y/n said. 'It looks like he hasn't have he, Rumple said I quickly ran over to stop him from telling her the things I've hidden. 'Tell me Rumple... please, y/n asked before he could answer i grabbed her arm. 'There you are I've been looking everywhere for you, I said hugging her tight as she pulled away. 'Peter.. is it true, y/n asked me 'is what true, I asked acting like I had no clue what she was talking about.

'Rumple said your still hiding secrets from me... I thought you would tell me everything, she asked 'I.. well I, I couldn't think. 'Looks like he can't tell you the truth dearie, rumple answered. 'I thought you wasn't going to keep secrets from me anymore, y/n asked. 'We're not, I answered 'stop lying to me, she asked as she got upset and walked off. 'Thanks a lot Rumple, I said 'anytime Pan... you should never lie to the people you love, Rumple said. 'Why do you care if I lie to y/n, I asked 'That girl cares for you... why I don't know... but the more you push that girl away you will lose her... and trust me there's nothing worse than losing the person you love, Rumple said.

I took y/n's arm and walked back to Skull Rock. Remember y/n he may not tell you the truth If he won't come see me I'll have the answers, Rumple said. y/n looked back and Rumple 'don't listen to Rumple y/n you shouldn't trust him he's he makes deals and always wants something in return, I said. 'Why should I listen to the person I trusted but you kept more secrets from me... why?, she said.

'I I'm sorry y/n but I can't tell you, I said 'fine... you leave me no choice, she said leaving heading to her room 'what are you doing.., you can't talk to Rumple, I said 'then tell me, she asked. I took a deep breath. 'You have a cousin, I told her. 'How's that a secret everyone has a cousin, she said 'yes but this is different, I told her. 'How?, she asked 'I.. I can't say I'm sorry, I said. 'Fine, she said 'I'm sorry y/n but I can't let you go find him.. you ask that man for favours your making a deal and it always comes with a price, I said 'I don't care... as long as I find my cousin, she said as I took her arm and chucked her in the skull Rock sort of Prison, I said 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING, she shouts. 'It's for your own good, I said. 'PETER!!, she screams as I lock her in.

'Why are you doing this, she asked 'I'm doing this to keep you safe, I said 'keeping me as a prisoner is not keeping me safe, she said. 'Goodbye, I said leaving her alone. 'So I'm guessing you won't be telling her that her cousin is Wendy Darlin, Felix said. 'SHHH It's the right choice... she can't know, I said.

Y/N's P,O,V

'Why would he do this, I thought as I sat there wondering why he won't tell me who my cousin was... why is it so important to him if I'm safe. 'In a bit of trouble there are you, I heard someone say as I looked up to see Regina (Evil Queen) 'What are you doing here, I asked 'don't you want to get out of here, Regina asked. 'Yes.. but Peter said Regina then spoke. .... 'Who cares what he said don't you want to find out who your cousin is... why Peter is keeping it as such a big secret, Regina asked 'yes but.. before I could even say anything else Regina opened the door to let me out.'Thank you for letting me out but...why are you helping me, I asked. Just go find Mr Gold, she said 'you mean Rumple, I said 'yes but here we call him Gold, she answered. 'But Peter said... 'just go, she said as I quickly left looking for Rumple.

'How will I find him, I asked 'Back in StoryBrooke, Regina answered. I walked around StoryBroke looking around for Mr Gold I couldn't find him anywhere. 'Why am I doing this.. Peter will kill me, I thought. 'Looking for me?, I heard Rumple ask 'Yes how did you, I spoke 'I know everything dearie... and I know Regina sent you, (Rumpelstiltskin) 'its Mr Gold here in StoryBrooke, he said 'why? I asked 'nobody must know who I really am here, he said 'Regina knows, I said 'yes that's because she knows everything she's the (Queen) Gold said.

'I guess that makes scenes but Henry knows your Rumple because of his book, I said. 'He thinks I'm him he doest actually know I am... now tell me why your really here, Mr Gold said. 'I want to know who my cousin is and why Peter won't tell me, I said 'If I tell you who she is you know all magic comes with a price, Gold said 'Yes I know...but it's not a really magic is it, I said Gold sighs 'that doest matter you will owe me a favour, Mr Gold said. 'Okay fine... what's your price, I asked 'it's not money if that's what you think... I'll think of something and once you find out who she is then you'll owe me that favour....okay, Mr Gold said. 'Okay, I said.

'So what's Peter keeping from me, I asked 'this cousin you have is someone Pan once knew.. her name is Wendy she's from London, Rumple said. 'Thank you, I said 'your welcome oh and soon I'll be coming to see you about what you owe me, he said. 'I know I won't forget, I said going back to Skull Rock in Neverland to Skull Rock 'Thank god, I said getting straight into the room Peter had locked me in. 'AHH your still here, Peter said. 'Where else would I be, I ask 'just checking on you, Peter said. 'Can I please get out of here now, I asked 'only if you promise to stay here with me in Neverland and not leave, Peter said. 'You know I couldn't leave if I wanted to, I said.

'Your hiding something from me, Peter asked 'I've already told you everything Pan and I don't know why your questioning me when your the one who's been keeping secrets from me, I said 'what you talking about, Peter asked 'you know what I'm talking about, I said. I knew I was going to regret saying this especially since I was worried what Peter was going to say. 'What do you mean, he asked. 'Your hiding a secret from me met up with my cousin... and worse you never told me who she was, I said. 'You spoke to Rumple didn't you, he said.

Third persons P.O.V

y/n looks at Peter knowing if she said no she will just be lying again. 'Okay... fine yes I spoke to Rumple and before you go mad.... It's really your fault you drove me to asking for the truth, y/n said as Peters face changed to anger making y/n back away but he stopped and sighed. 'Ok I'll admit y/n I did drive you to it.. I should of told you what I did and that I knew who your real cousin was, Peter said 'My cousin is Wendy Darlin the girl who I was told stories about that about you as well. Remember I never believed you was real till I came here, y/n said.

Peter got closer to y/n and put his arms around her pulling her close to him. 'Peter what are you doing, y/n asks him. This, Peter says pressing his lips to hers. 'Come with me, Peter said taking her hand 'where we going, she asked 'our special place, peter said 'I thought skull Rock was, y/n said. 'Actually this place I'm showing you was just my place but it's yours now too, Peter said taking her to his favourite place by the sea where the mermaids live and the fairy's fly. 'Hey I know this place... this is in the story where you showed Wendy the mermaids, y/n said.

'Yes but listen y/n please forgive me for not telling you the truth.....Wendy is the passed, Peter said 'what does that make me, y/n asked 'your my future, Peter said 'future, y/n asked 'yes my future and that vision you had of a you ever wonder what it means, Peter asked. 'If I knew I'd tell you, y/n said. 'I know but I think I know what it means, Peter said making y/n look into his eyes... Peter walked closer to y/n kissing her softly on the lips. 'What was that for, she asked. 'I believe it's our baby, he said. 'But how you can never grow up remember, y/n said. 'Guess we will have to see, Peter said leading y/n to his house into his bedroom. 'Why are we in here, y/n asks now thinking it was a stupid question to ask.

Peter did not say anything he just pulled y/n close to him again kissing her softly 'I love you, Peter said. 'Love you too Peter, y/n reply's as a soft moan escaped her lips making Peter smile. Y/n was a little bit in shock since she thought Peter could not love at least not anymore. Y/n and Peter lay on his bed while Peter is kissing y/n's neck 'you sure we should be doing this, y/n asked as Peter just ignores what she says and keeps kissing her. Peter slowly moves back up to her lips so she couldn't say anything else and pulls her T-shirt up over her head. He started kissing her again before taking all her clothes off.

Peter then took off his and carried on what he was doing. I love you, Peter said between breaths and fell beside her. Y/n was just laying there with a smile her hair tangled and didn't know what to say but turn to look at Peter as he smiled. Peter's door was then knocked. 'Peter..,, Peter are you here, they both heard nibs say. 'The lost boys.. quick, Peter said as they both got off the bed and changed. 'There you are, nibs said oh hey y/n, nibs said looking at her. 'Hey nibs , boys, y/n said 'So what you Boys doing here, Peter asks.  'It's Rumple he's looking for you, slightly said 'what why?, Peter said 'we don't know, they all said. 'Come on let's get out of here, Peter says as we all leave and the boys stay while Peter and y/n look for Rumple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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