Chapter 11

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Been a long time since I've updated this story but I really hope you like it. Thank you so much to all the people who have read my story and please keep reading, voting and sharing. If you have any ideas for this story please comment on my wall.

Y/n's P.O.V

It was now Friday and after telling Peter about that wearied dream I had about us I found it strange that he took it so well. He didn't freak out about it and usually having wearied dreams like that means something here in Nederland. I'm probably overreacting it's just strange to have a dream about a baby who may or may not of been mine and Peter's.

'Y/N!, I hear a voice shout from outside the little house I was staying in. I open my eyes after just resting them and shout 'who is it. 'It's me slightly, said as I told him to come in and he opened the door letting himself inside. 'Peter is looking for you, slightly said 'did he say what he wanted, I asked. 'Umm you'll just have to talk to him, slightly said. 'Is he ok?, I asked. 'Well I'm not supposed to say but for some reason he's acting strange.. more than usual, slightly said as I nodded my head. 'Ok I'll be out there now, I said. 'He's in the den, Slightly said 'thanks, I thanked as he left me and I got up and changed into some blue jeans and a white top. I put my hair up in a ponytail had a wash and did my makeup. I opened the door to my room where I sleep and walked out down to the den.

'I wonder what Peter wants to talk about, I started to worry thinking about what we was talking about yesterday. 'I hope what I told him never freaked him out, I thought. As I got to Peters den I saw him sat on his chair facing away from me. 'Umm hey Peter.. Slightly said you wanted to see me, I asked. 'Yes just wanted to check something, Peter said. 'Check something?, I asked Peter who still had his back facing me. 'Why are you lying to me, Peter asked.

'Lying? Why... why would I lie, I asked. Peter turned to face me with anger written all over his face. I watched as his eyes looked like they were turning black as the night sky. 'What are you talking about?, I asked as he got closer to me making me feel uncomfortable. 'Rumple told me everything... your lying about that dream you had so it would distract me from everything I supposed to do, Peter said. 'What.. why would I lie about something like that.. and really your going to believe the man everyone says is a cowered, I asked. Peter got even closer.. close enough so I could feel his heart beating against my chest. 'I need to get him to believe me, I thought.

'Peter look at me, I asked as he sighed. 'NO I mean look at me properly, I asked He took a breath and looked into my eyes. I never lied, I said 'prove it, Peter asked but I didn't know how to prove it. Regina... I said 'what?, Peter spoke. I thought I was thinking that, I said. 'I mean Regina can help me, I said. 'How can she help, Peter asked. 'Regina is the witch in another world. She can show you that I'm telling you the truth, I told Peter.. thinking about how I can find her. 'How will I find her, I said then remembering another way that can get him to believe me. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on peters shoulder. 'GET OFF, Peter said.

'Peter please look, I said placing my hand on his shoulder again. He looked into my eyes again and I gently pressed my lips against his placing my other arm around him. I opened my eyes and saw that his eyes were turning back to his original colour. I could see something as I kissed Peter like I had some sort of vision. I could see myself and Peter with the baby I seen in my dream. I pulled away from our kiss and gasped. 'What... what was that, Peter asked. 'Please tell me you seen that to, I asked. 'That kiss.. you shared a vision, Peter said. 'I have visions, I asked.

'I I have visions, I asked 'most importantly you.. you kissed me, Peter said. 'You believe me now then right?, I asked 'y yes.. I can't believe you have visions, Peter said 'neither can I... what does this mean... I'm not going to get in trouble or anything.. will I, I asked. 'Listen y/n you need to stay here, Peter said. 'What, I said. 'I have to go, Peter said. 'What? You can't leave me here, I said. 'Y/n I'm sorry but nobody can find out you have vision at least not rumple, Peter said. 'Peter you can't just leave me here, I said.  'I'll be back soon don't worry you'll be safe here with the lost boys. I'll be back soon I promise, Peter said 'Peter please, I ask. 'It's ok, Peter said walking back over to me pulling me into a hug abs kissing me passionately. He pulled away leavening a smile on my face 'remember y/n stay here you'll be safe. If Rumple sees you or anyone else stay safe. Peter said before leaving me alone in the den with slightly and the rest of the lost boys.

Third persons P.O.V

'What happened, slightly asked. 'I I'm sorry Slightly I can't do what Peter said. This is my problem not his, y/n said. 'What are you talking about, slightly asked. 'Can you keep a secret, y/n asked. 'Course, slightly said. 'I know this sounds crazy but I .... I had a vision, y/n said 'what?, slightly said. 'I know it's crazy but please keep this to yourself I have to find Peter, Y/n said leaving slightly with the boys running out looking for Peter. 'Wait!... Wait... Wait y/n you can't go after him, slightly said catching up to her.. and what do you mean you had a vision, slightly asked. 'I know it sounds mad slightly but it's true.. I'll explain later... if I understand it myself. But I have to find Peter, y/n said starting to run again.

'PETER!, y/n shouts 'shhhh!, y/n, TinkerBell shushes y/n. 'Tink where is he going I need to see him, y/n said. 'I can't I mean he said not to tell you, Tinker said. 'Please Tink it's important, y/n said. 'Ok... ok he's looking for Rumple, TinkerBell said. 'I KNEW IT!?, y/n said quickly leaving looking everywhere for Peter and Rumple. 'Man Peter is going to kill us, Slightly said.

Peter's P.O.V

I can't believe I fell for Rumple's rotten lies... I should of known better... y/n wouldn't lie to me about something like this I just really hope she stayed with the boys and is not out looking for me..If Rumple finds her or even Regina they can't find out about her having visions she could end up in danger. 'Hello Peter, I heard a voice I knew to well. I turned to face him 'Rumple.. what do you want, I asked. 'You know what I want and I heard you have something even more important and valuable than Pandora's box, Rumple said with a smile. I suddenly felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew exactly what he was talking about... but how did he find out.

'I don't know what your talking about, I said pretending to act dumb. 'Pan I have eyes everywhere and you know even if I didn't.. you know I know everything and I know what she is, Rumple said.  'What?, I ask. 'You know your lucky Regina does not know... especially since she's a witch.. So if you don't want her to find out what she is then you should do as I say, Rumple said making me nervous. It's wearied because I've never been nervous about anything. Man y/n why.. or how are you making me feel this way, I thought. I took a deep breath worrying about her. 'Ok.. you win what do you want, I asked. Pandora's Box, Rumple said. 'What?... what makes you think I have it, I asked.

'Don't play Dumb Peter you had that box once before I'm sure you have it or you'll at least find it, Rumple said 'NO way, Peter said. 'Fine I guess Regina will be paying your little girlfriend a visit, Rumple said. 'Girlfriend? I asked. 'People say your the boy who never grew up Pan but anyone with eyes can see you have feelings for that girl, Rumple said. But before I could say anything Rumple was gone. 'I don't have feeling for her, I thought. She herself said I'm a Monster. 'I've got to stop Rumple from finding that witch.. oh god I hope y/n is safe. I thought.
Been a long time since I've updated this story and it's only a short chapter but I hope you'll like it. Please read, vote and if you have ideas please write on my wall or comment.
Thank you so much for all the reads xx

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