Chapter 4

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Y/n's P.O.V

I looked at Peter in shock and worrying about Henry and before I could stop Peter or even blink Peter had Henry's heart in his hand. 'Why are you doing this to this poor boy, I asked. 'I told you Henry is the truest believer so I need his heart, Peter said as he got Henry to push his heart into Peters chest. 'NOO! PETER DON'T, I shouted at Peter before waking up to see Felix running in . 'Y/N are you ok, Felix asked  I sat up from my bed shaking feeling like there was blood on my hands. 'Y/n stop shaking you will be fine, Felix said. 'I got up out of the bed 'I'm not I have a horrible feeling and had a horrible dream, I said 'about Pan, Felix said 'yeah... how did you know that, I asked. 'You said his name before waking up from your nightmare, Felix said. 'Ye I Uh don't really want to talk about it ' I .. I'm still a little bit shaky from it, I said as I asked Felix to leave so I could get changed and have a wash. 'Oh my god I hope my dream was just a dream and hasn't already happened, I said to myself worried and scared.

'Hello y/n, a voice said from a dark side of my room. 'P Peter, I said with a shaky voice and shaky hands 'y/n are you ok, he asked walking closer with a smirk on his face. 'What do you want, I asked walking back as he walked towards me. 'What's wrong y/n your acting like your scared of me, Peter said even though he knows and wants us all at Neverland to be scared of him, 'S Stop looking at me like that, I asked as I was soon against the wall with know way of getting away from him. 'Looking at you like what, Peter asked.

'I don't know creepy maybe, I said 'you had a nightmare didn't you, Peter asked 'ye yes did Felix tell you that, I asked 'NO I can just tell

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'I don't know creepy maybe, I said 'you had a nightmare didn't you, Peter asked 'ye yes did Felix tell you that, I asked 'NO I can just tell. Other people here were like that when they got here, Peter said. 'Your a monster, I said as he looked at me with evil eyes he got closer so close I felt as if I was trapped. 'You dreamed about me didn't you, he asked. I denied it. 'What.. NO!, I said. 'Then why am I here, Peter asked. 'I don't know you came here, I said. 'You know why or how I got here, he questioned. I just looked at him confused. 'Because y/n I only got here cause you wanted me here, Peter said. 'What?, I said. 'Something or someone will only come to you when you want it or them here, Peter said. 'That makes NO sense, I said.

'I did something horrible in your dream didn't I something I might do or have already done, Peter smirked. 'Wait have I dreamed all this am I still dreaming now, I asked. course not the only thing that was a dream was the thing you seen me do, Peter said. 'Wait so your real and I'm not at home, I asked. 'That's right, Peter said. 'That means all the things that did happen to me being taken away from home and being bought to Neverland is all real. But what about Henry you said he was the truest believer, I asked. 'Yes he's real and I did say that, Peter said. I looked at him starting to realise that this was all real that all of this was really happening.

'So I guess this means I'll probably start believing in you, I asked 'well there's only one way to see if you believing in me or in any of this, Peter said. 'And what's that, I asked Peter looked at me and sighed 'it doesn't matter y/n just come with me, Peter asked as he suddenly disappeared and then appeared by the door opening it 'you coming or not, he asked. I walked outside the door as Peter then walked out shutting the door behind him. We walked through the woods where we seen the lost boys playing or dancing around the fire and screaming.

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