Chapter 3

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Peter's P.O.V

My body was getting weaker and weaker y/n was holding on to me as she helped me sit down. 'Peter what's happening to you why are you so weak, y/n asked 'I told you it's because of the story's, I said looking at y/n who had a worried look on her face. This sounds really silly no offence but it just sounds like a silly thing to make you weak, Y/n said. 'She was right though maybe I wasn't getting weak because of people not believing in the story's that are told about Neverland. Maybe it's me, I told y/n as she looked at me with a smile.

'Come on Peter we better go help the boys with hook, y/n said helping me up by putting my arm over her shoulder. 'Don't worry Peter I'll help you get better y/n said. I just did not understand why Y/n was so nice to me after everything I did. I mean I took her from her family and I'm making her stay here in Neverland. Y/N took me back to my place and gave me a cup of tea that she made she wanted to be honest by telling me she put something in it to help me feel a bit stronger. For some strange reason I believed her so I took a sip of the tea 'how do you feel, she asked. I looked at her and smiled 'A bit better thank you, I thanked her

'Y/n why are you being so nice to me after what I did to you, I asked 'well because I just don't want to get on your bad side I don't want to end up as one of your enemies, y/n said. Before I could say anything slightly came running over in fear. 'PAN QUICK there trouble, Slightly said. 'Trouble what kind of trouble, I asked. It's Hook remember he was here earlier but he's bought someone with him, slightly said. I got up still a little weak 'Are you ok Peter, Slightly asked concerned. 'I'm fine I'll be there in a bit, I said as slightly left and I got up. 'You sure you'll be ok your still a little bit weak, Y/n asked concerned. 'I'm fine better now after that drink you gave me thank you, I said with a small smile.

Later that day

Third persons P.O.V

I didn't understand why y/n was being so nice to me I'm not the nicest person to be around. I mean I own well am the leader of Neverland and nobody gets out of Neverland without my permission, Peter thought to himself 'oh NO I was meant to do something, Peter said. 'Ye wasn't you meant to help the lost boys with Hook, Y/N asked him. Peter looked at her 'yes but I can't right now I need to do this first, Peter said. 'Well If you want I can help you, Y/N offered to help. 'NOO!, Peter shouted making y/n jump. 'Listen y/n it's nice that you want to help but you can't, Peter sighed. 'Oh um ok, y/n said as Peter walked to the door feeling better and flew off. Peter soon left and y/n was left alone so she decided to check on the lost boys and help them.

Henry The boy who reads the fairytale story's and believes in all of them was in a house where he found a girl in her bed. 'Hi I'm Wendy, Wendy said. 'Wendy Darlin, Henry asked as he then walked over her bed and sat on the end of it. 'I'm Henry Wh What's wring, Henry asked as he put his bag down.
'The island Henry it's power is fading I've been here a long time but... Well for some reason it's effecting me more than the others, Wendy said

Henry looked at her then took a breath. 'You look like him, Wendy said 'like who, Henry asked 'your father, she said your knew my father, Henry asked m. 'We were friends a long time ago he saved my family from danger... he would do anything for my family, Wendy said as she looked over at the picture by the side of her bed.

Henry asked if he could look at the picture and she nodded her head saying yes. 'Who is that girl, Henry asked 'that's y/n she's my cousin she was taken away from here. Stolen, she said 'what about your brothers, Henry asked pointing at the two boys. Wendy started to cough 'Are you going to be ok, Henry asked. 'You should go, Wendy said. 'Maybe there something I can do to help, Henry said. 'Please I don't want you to catch what I have Pan is already doing everything that he can but the magic here.. fear it's not enough, Wendy said.

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