Chapter 10

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Y/n P.O.V

Peter left me alone at Skull Rock never usually leaves me alone because he likes to protect me. ' I'll see you later y/n don't let anyone in here, Peter said looking worried I didn't say anything so let him leave. I sat down thinking about what we have seen. 'Why would I be holding a baby and why was I with Peter. I thought to myself 'Hello dearie, I heard a voice say behind me 'Dark one, I said before turning around to look at him. 'Oh dearie no need to call me that, he said 'Why are you here... how'd you even get in here, I asked. 'I'm the dark one y/n I can get in anywhere, Rumple said 'If Peter finds out your here he, 'He will what, Rumple asked. I just shook it off .Why are you here Rumple, I asked. 'Don't you want to know why you saw what you saw, Rumple asked. 'How do you, I spoke but Rumple stopped me 'I know everything, he laughed.' Ok so if you know what I've seen what does it mean, I asked. 'It means that baby you seen yourself holding is yours and Pans, Rumple said. I stood there in shock 'But why would I be with Pan, I said.

'I could make a deal with you, Rumple said 'NO thanks I know it comes with a price, I said 'your right dearie it does but if you don't want what you saw to come true then I suggest you make the deal, Rumple said. 'I'd never make a deal with you, I said 'oh but you did once before didn't you, Rumple asked. 'What ?, I asked as he smiled 'remember y/n I helped you out of that Pandora box I found your real father and saved you. Now I need you to make me a deal, Rumple asked 'What kind of deal, I asked. 'I want you to bring Pan to me, Rumple said 'why, I asked 'oh NO dearie I can't tell you that., Rumple said 'Your not going to hurt him are you, I asked. 'Oh now why the concern, he smiled ''you've fallen for him haven't you, he asked I never said anything to him until he smiled 'ah you have, he said 'so what if I did, I asked 'y/n bring Pan to me and you'll get what you want, Rumple said 'there's nothing I want, I said. 'Don't you want to be with Pan, he asked.

'I never said I wanted to be with him, I said 'oh but your future shows you do want to be with him, Rumple said 'listen Rumple I don't want to make a deal with you but I'll get Peter for you as long as he doest get hurt by you or anyone else, I asked. He just smiled and dispersed from skull rock. 'Remember bring him to me or something bad will happen to him and you, I heard his voice say as he just vanished

Peter's P.O.V

I played my flute as the boys danced around the fire when I feel y/n sit beside me 'everything ok y/n I asked seeing the worry in her eyes 'I I'm fine. She said with a small smile. I could see something was wrong but I knew she wouldn't tell me so I left it for a few hours.. Something wrong I thought as I stopped playing my flute 'hey Peter y/n is here, slightly said pointing to where she was talking to the lost boys. 'I can't do this to Peter he will know, I could see y/n was talking to herself she looked worried. 'Hey y/n is there something wrong, I asked as she just smiled. 'Oh I'm fine Peter, y/n told me. I could tell she wasn't telling the truth. 'Your lying, I said 'what n no I'm not, y/n answered 'see you just did it again, I told her. She gulped she looked like she was about to cry.. 'come with me, y/n asked

She took my hand and took me to our place at skull rock 'why are we here, I asked 'please don't hate me Peter and I know you'll never forgive me but I have to do this or he will kill us both, y/n said 'who? Oh no y/n what have you done?, I asked in anger 'it wasn't my fault, y/n said I was about to say something when a voice spoke. 'Welcome Peter, I heard Rumples voice I turned to look at him then back at y/n 'I told you not to let anyone in here, I told her 'I didn't he just speared here, y/n told me. 'oh Peter don't blame your friend I told her if she didn't bring you here I'd kill you both, Rumple said. 'Sorry Peter, y/n teared up. He said he'd kill you if I didn't bring you to him. I couldn't let that happen, she said. 'Looks like this y/n has feelings for you Peter... but you can't love you don't even know what love is do you, rumple asked. I looked at y/n my heart started burning when I looked at her.

I took a deep breath ignoring the feelings that were in me 'Sorry Peter, y/n said 'just go a minute y/n I'll see you in a second l said. 'Peter I'm not leaving you here, y/n said I glared at her as she then nodded her head not saying anything. 'What is it you want rumple, I asked.  'Did she not tell you what she saw, rumple asked 'what you talking about, I asked. 'She seen something that could happen in the future, rumple said 'what you talking about.. she can't see the future, I said. 'Who's to know a lot of strange things happen here in Neverland, rumple said. 'She would tell me if she could see things, I said. 'Well I guess she doest trust you enough to tell you... or maybe she did not know she could see her future and yours, rumple told me 'And mine, I asked. Rumple smiled and disappeared 'Y/N?, I questioned 

I looked behind me but she wasn't here 'y/n, I say as I look around. I walked outside skull rock and seen her stood there she wasn't even moving. 'Y/n why didn't you tell me..., I stopped and turned her to face me. I shook her but she wouldn't budge she then turned her head 'Peter? What what are we doing out here , y/n asked 'why didn't you tell me you had visions, I asked. 'I don't... I mean I didn't no I could get them, y/n said.  'Rumple said he seen your vision so that means you can show them too people, I said. 'Wow I can but I don't know how I even did it, y/n said. 'What was your vision y/n, I asked 'well it was a strange one it's probably nothing, y/n said. 'What was it, I asked.

'well I seen us together and I was holding a baby you were with me, y/n told me 'really who's baby was it, I asked 'well I think it was our baby, y/n said.
'Our baby... I had a baby, I asked 'I know it's not right I mean your Peter Pan your the boy who never grew up, y/n said 'how'd you... I spoke 'when I was 5 I was told a story about a boy who never grew up and I was told that story a lot. I was told it was a true story but I didn't believe  it was true till now until you bought me here, y/n said.
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