˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter I

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Free Time
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"Jungkook!!!" Jimin shouted from their dark living room, light only coming from the TV in front of him with Tae on the couch by his side

"Coming!!! Don't start the movie yet!!!" Jungkook shouted back from his room

He came out running while putting a black hoodie on top of his black tank top

V, Jimin and Jungkook are bestfriends from kindergarten

They're sharing a house for 2 years now, they moved out of their houses cuz of higher studies when they were 16 and decided to be together

Now that they graduated from school, they're in their last 3 days of vacation before college starts

They wanted to spend the last three days of freedom happily and the first plan they came up with is a movie night

They set up their couch with all the cushions and comforters they had, also made the popcorn ready

The three binge watched Avengers: End game for the 4th time now because they love it

By the end of the movie, they heard quiet sniffles coming from Jungkook's side

No matter how many times they watch this movie, the youngest out of them always ends up crying

"Damn son...You're still crying?" Jimin asked after a few minutes

Jungkook just nodded but tried to stop crying now

"I'll go sleep now" Tae said and made his way to their room, Jimin followed him

Jungkook went to the kitchen to grab something to munch on

He ended up making a bowl of ramen which automatically brought the other two out of their room

They shared Jungkook's ramen and wanted more so they made more

When they were finally full, they went to sleep

Even if they had three different rooms, they preferred sleeping in the same room so they went to their shared room


It was the next morning- well...Evening actually

It was 3 pm when the guys slowly started waking up, Taehyung woke up at 2 pm and got ready for some reason

The other two were sitting on the bed, spacing out

"What are we gonna do today?" Jimin asked, still sleepy

"Sleep..." Jungkook replied, half asleep

"Wake up both of you! We're going out today!" Tae told them about their plan which only he knew

"Huh?" Jungkook had no idea what the other was talking about

"Going out?!" Jimin asked, totally confused as they never talked about going out

They were gonna enjoy those three days and Jimin's type of enjoying is sleeping the whole time

"Yup...going out, I have everything ready so take any extras if you want then we'll leave" Tae said and left the room

The other two were still confused but got ready and went out of their room

"Ready?" Tae asked

"Uhh...yes, I guess...?" Jimin said not too sure about what was gonna happen that day

They got in the car and Tae drove the car to only he knows where

"Tae...you're driving too slow, tell me where you want to go, I'll drive" Jungkook said as the car was moving very slow and he got bored as he was the only one in the backseat

"Safety first Jungkook" Taehyung said, making Jungkook sulk

"Why are you sulking now?" Jimin asked

"I want to drive..."

Taehyung and Jimin let out a huge sigh

"Ok..." Jungkook said and leaned on the window

They were 30 minutes into the ride, Jungkook was sleeping while Jimin and V just vibed to some music

Soon the car stopped, Jungkook woke up and saw outside

They were infront of the dog café where they first met

Jimin and Jungkook used to go there with their parents often and V came with his brothers and uncle when they were in kindergarten

It was approximately 30 minutes away from Jimin and Jungkook's parents' house but was too far away from Taehyung's parents' house

Taehyung's dad is the CEO of Kim Technology Inc. one of the biggest technology company in South Korea

His parents barely meet him as they are always busy working in other countries

Tae and his brothers were brought up by his uncle who is also the manager of Kim Tech.

Tae moved to Gangnam with his two younger brothers, Hyunjin and Yeonjun when he came to know about his dad's house there

After some years, Taehyung moved to Yongsan with Jimin and Jungkook for his higher studies, leaving his brothers alone

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