˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter XV

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No Trust
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Jimin and Jungkook headed back to their dorm after talking to Hyunjin

"We should talk to Tae about this" Jimin suggested and Jungkook agreed

"We'll ask him to meet us tomorrow" Jungkook said and the other quickly pulled his phone out

He somehow managed to make Tae agree to go to their dorm the next day for a brief talk


It was the next day, Tae went to their dorm

"So?" Tae asked the other two who hadn't spoken a word since he arrived

"So..." Jimin started

"It's about Aera, isn't it?" Tae asked which made the other two exchange glances

"Yes but please listen to us before leaving" Jungkook said

"Hyunjin talked to us yesterday, Aera is not who you think she is, she doesn't really like you" Jimin said

They both told him whatever Hyunjin told them

Tae listened to everything quietly and left without saying a word


Taehyung's POV

Now that they've all ganged up against Aera, I really don't want to trust them

And I'm late for our date so I should rush now

We had a good time like we always have and we were leaving now but I wanted to tell her about my friends and Hyunjin

"Aera?" I called her

"Hmm?" she turned back to look at me

"I have to tell you something" I'm pretty sure she noticed how nervous I was

"What's wrong? Why do you look so nervous?" she asked me

"Remember my friends? Jimin and Jungkook?" I asked her

"Ofcourse I do" her face lit up when she heard their names, she probably thinks they like her, I don't want to ruin her day but I have to say this cuz they might do anything to break us apart

"My friends and Hyunjin, they don't seem to like us being in a relationship...Might be because I was with my friends almost my whole life and my brother probably thinks I won't be there for him as much when I'm in a relationship...I'm saying this because I don't want them to ruin our relationship" I told her

"Don't worry babe, I knew they didn't like me from the first, no one can ruin our relationship so don't stress out too much" she said and hugged me

I'm glad to have her by my side, I just know that she'll always be there for me

I really hope my friends and Hyunjin will start liking her

I have no idea why Hyunjin said all those made up stories about her

Sera? Should I ask Aera about her?

I don't think she even exists so it's better if I don't ask her anything that might make her feel bad again

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