˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter VIII

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Lost & Hurt
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They were back at their campsite when Tae got a call from Aera

"Aera told me to go meet her..." he said and the others let him go

He went and didn't come back for more than a while

The others then went to the beach with Jackson, Mark and Jinyoung

They had two very small beach towels which definitely can't be helped for 5 guys who are almost 19

Jimin and Jungkook sat on their towels while Mark and Jackson didn't let Jinyoung sit cuz they didn't have enough space

"Move a little" Jinyoung said but the guys didn't even try to make some space

Jinyoung sighed and sat on Jackson's lap

"Ayo dude hold up" Jackson said as he pushed the other off his lap and got up

They then connected the two towels and made space for Jinyoung but now Jackson was sitting there cuz Jinyoung took Jackson's place

The five guys ate their ramen which Mark made for them

They had some for Tae too but he didn't pick up their calls and was nowhere to be found so the guys shared his bowl of ramen

The boys played for a while and it was getting dark so they had to go back to the camp

They waited for Tae near the campfire but he didn't show up

They started searching for him everywhere and he was nowhere to be found

It soon started drizzling and the guys ran inside their tents

But then it started pouring and the tents were about to tear down

Everyone were running to their busses from college now, almost causing a stampede

There were people from other colleges too and the busses were parked in the same place

Jungkook fell down and tried to get up but he couldn't as he felt a very sharp pain on his right shoulder and right leg

Students from different colleges were still running, no one wanted to help him

Fortunately, everything stopped soon and he saw Jimin coming to him with a worried look on his face and he had an umbrella with him now

"You good? Ofcourse not why am I even asking...Does it hurt anywhere? Oh well it should but where?" Jimin asked him without letting the other speak, even if he let him speak, he wasn't in the condition to

After seeing the slightly younger was not going to reply, he helped him stand up

He felt very bad when he heard him whimper in pain

Jimin quickly took him inside the bus and the teachers made extra space for him after seeing Jungkook was hurt

The nurses soon came and checked on him

"Where does it hurt?" one of the nurse asked the almost unconscious boy and she didn't get a reply

They let his head rest on Jimin's chest and continued checking for any bruise

The younger hissed in pain when he was touched in his right shoulder and right ankle

"Does it hurt anywhere else?" the nurse asked him, hoping to get a reply and Jungkook shook his head, letting the nurse know he doesn't have any other pain

They checked him even more and found out his right shoulder has an airline crack which might turn into a fracture if he strains more and his right leg got a sprain

They tied his shoulder and his arm together to not let it move and gave him some sprays and pain relief creams for his sprain

They left after telling him to rest well

Jungkook soon fell asleep on Jimin's arms

The others were busy drying themselves while Jimin remained worried

Tae isn't back yet, he went with Aera which was even more concerning and now Jungkook was hurt

They were gonna leave the next day and Tae was nowhere to be found

"Professor...Can I get a pillow?" Jimin asked his computer science professor who was always sweet to them

He quickly sent a staff to get a pillow from their luggage bus where they've kept all the folded tents now

Jimin thanked his professor and slowly shifted Jungkook's head from his arm to the pillow

He went to call Tae one more time but the call didn't connect so he waited for him again

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