˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter XIV

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The Past
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Hyunjin felt very dumb as he almost told Tae who Aera was

He really wanted to tell someone about this, someone who can help him with this

That's when he quickly took his phone and searched for a contact

He called Jimin but he didn't pick up, he then called Jungkook and got the same response

He looked at the clock and it was 3 a.m

Aera was with them till 3 a.m and Tae didn't say anything about it

Considering the fact that Tae told Aera to sleepover, the time didn't shock Hyunjin now

He then assumed Jimin and Jungkook were probably sleeping and he went to sleep


Tae was totally confused as to why Hyunjin didn't want Aera to be his girlfriend

'I didn't expect it to be her' What did he exactly mean by that? Why not Aera?

Tae went to Yeonjun's room to check if he knew something about it

He slowly opened the door and saw the younger sleeping

He sighed and went to his own room to sleep


It was the next day already, Hyunjin and Yeonjun went to school and came back

Hyunjin ran to his room as soon as he went home and called Jimin

He asked Jimin and Jungkook to meet him in a café near his school

Hyunjin quickly got ready and went to the café

He was soon joined by the other two

"Hey Hyunjin!" Jimin greeted the younger

"Hi Hyung" Hyunjin greeted back

Jungkook came in and they exchanged greetings too

"So...Why did you want to meet us?" Jimin asked the younger

"To talk about Aera...I've met her before and I don't think she really loves Tae" Hyunjin said

"Why do you think so?" Jungkook asked him

"Aera has a sister, Kang Sera..."


Sera and Hyunjin used to study in the same high school

Sera is one of the 'popular girls' and Hyunjin never liked her and her friends

His friends always talked about how Sera likes him but Hyunjin never liked the idea about her liking him

Hyunjin was planning on transferring to a different school for his last year of high school

Almost everyone knew about it as he was also quite popular in school cuz of his visuals

Everyone had a crush on him even if he doesn't talk to anyone other than Felix and Jisung, his only friends

Sera also came to know about Hyunjin transferring

"Today is the last day Sera...He won't be in this school after today" Sera's friend told her

"I won't miss this chance" she said as she made her way out of her classroom

"I don't think it's a good idea to do it in the middle of the campus, what if he rejects you?" her other friend asked her

"I don't think there's anyone in this school who would not want to date me" she said as she walked to the middle of the campus

Almost all the students were there, some students were bidding farewell to their friends and some were waiting for Hyunjin

Right when Hyunjin came out of the school building, all the girls rushed to him with flowers

"We'll miss you Hyunjin!"
"Best wishes to you for your future!"
"I'll always be rooting for you!"

Were the screams heard from the crowd

Hyunjin somehow managed to put a smile on his face

He got the flowers from everyone and thanked them before he started moving

When he walked closer to where Sera was, he went in a different direction

"Hyunjin!" Sera called him

He went to her, not knowing what was waiting for him

"I love you" she gave him the bouquet she was holding

She always wanted to be the one confessing as she thought her popularity would get her anyone she likes and that no one would have the confidence to tell her they liked her

"Sorry..." Hyunjin said and started walking, he didn't want to talk more

The only reason for rejecting her was because he didn't like her, he didn't want to tell it in front of everyone

"Hey! You better take this with you or you will regret this! No one is better than me!" she yelled but Hyunjin didn't stop walking

He noticed Sera's sister Aera rushing to comfort her sister who now started crying while still screaming and making a whole scene

Hyunjin walked out of the campus and saw his car waiting for him

He usually goes alone with his driver but this time, V got down from the backseat

Hyunjin went to him and talked to him for a few seconds before getting inside the car with him

Aera saw this too and now knew V was Hyunjin's brother


"I'm not sure if she joined your college for this purpose but I'm pretty sure she's planning something which includes him" Hyunjin said which left the other two in shock

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