˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter XII

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Personal Space
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Jungkook was woken up by Jimin

"Where is Tae?" was the first thing the other asked him

"He went home...To Gangnam" Jimin said as he took Jungkook's bag

"Why?" Jungkook asked, totally not expecting Tae to leave

"I'll tell you once we go home" Jimin said and helped Jungkook stand

Jungkook balanced with the help of Jimin and walked slowly to the taxi

They went home and Jimin took the younger to his room

"What happened to Tae? Why did he leave?" Jungkook asked Jimin, earning a big sigh from the other

He sat down on the bed with Jungkook and started


"Why did you even like her in the first place?" Jimin asked Tae after being kicked out of the room by the nurse

Tae stood there, not wanting to talk about anything

"What was the reason for you to hide it from us? Did you think we won't support you? Everything about her is sketchy Taehyung" he added and still didn't get an answer

"How long should I wait for you to answer? I trusted you to take care of Jungkook but all you did was to leave him alone when he needed someone, so both me and Jungkook definitely deserve an explanation atleast for what happened today" Jimin said, holding the other's arms tightly

"Aera wanted to meet me...She wanted to talk to me..." Tae said, looking down to his feet

"That's it? She called you and you left your friend who was injured and needed you? What did she do to you for you to change this much Tae?" Jimin asked the other, trying not to raise his voice

"I need space...I need my personal space, I don't want to talk about this now and I'm leaving to Gangnam for some days" Tae said, getting away from the other's grip and left

Jimin stood there, not knowing what to do...He wanted to stop his friend from leaving but he let him go


"You already knew about him and Aera?" Jungkook asked the older

"No, he never talked to me about that" Jimin said

"What happened when you went to search for Tae that day?" Jungkook asked and Jimin told him what he saw near the river

"You didn't tell this to me when I asked you where Tae was" Jungkook was barely audible at this point

"I didn't want to stress you out mor-"

"Or you didn't want me to know and make it a big issue?" Jungkook cut off what Jimin was saying

"Jungkook...It's really not like that, I wanted to tell you but I thought it would stress you out more when you're already injured" Jimin said as he ran his hand through the other's hair softly

Jungkook didn't say anything

"I'll go bring you something to eat" Jimin said and made his way out

He was worried about Taehyung so he called Yeonjun, Tae's first younger brother

Ongoing Call

Hey Hyung

Hello Yeonjun,
How's it going there?

Pretty good?
Why, what's the matter?

Did Tae come there?

Yup, he just now came in and went to wash up...He still haven't told us why he suddenly came but he looked a lot more than just tired, is everything fine?

Yea? Take care then, bye


Yeonjun knew something wasn't right but he chose ask Tae later


Jimin sighed in relief after hearing Tae went home safely

He then took the tray with food and medicines to Jungkook

He fed his friend and gave him his pills before washing up and going to bed

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