˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter II

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Dog Café
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They went inside the dog café and immediately noticed the little changes that place had during all those years

They went past the café counter and went straight to the dogs section

"Heya Woo! how you doing?" Jungkook shouted after seeing Jimin's brother there

Jimin's brother Wooyoung worked in that Dog café which Jimin knew but the others didn't

"I'm great hyung...How are y'all?" he hugged the older

"We're all good...When did you join here?" Tae asked the younger

"Two years ago? I work here part-time" he said and they talked for sometime while playing with the pups

"How long are you gonna be here? Wanna come home?" Wooyoung asked the three who were now sitting like they're one of the puppies

"We're going back today...Might stop at home for sometime" Jimin said and the others nodded

"If we leave now, we'll be able to stay there for an hour and then we can go back home...Can you come with us now?" Jungkook asked the younger

"I'm not sure, I'll ask the manager brb" he said and went straight to the manager's room

They drank their smoothies while waiting for the younger to come back

Wooyoung happily hopped his way back to the other three

"I can come now!" he said with a huge smile

"Woah...They let you go home right after lunch?" Tae asked the younger

"Nah...I'm here for 12 hours now, been filling in for my friend cuz he couldn't come today" the younger said

"12 hours!?" Jungkook yelled in disbelief

"Don't worry, it's not hard playing with pups anyways" the younger chuckled making the worried three smile

"Alright hop in the car" Tae said as he made his way out of the café and the other three followed him

They drove for another 20 minutes, this time Jungkook had Wooyoung with him in the backseat but the younger fell asleep in less than 10 minutes

"Hey you two...I'm bored" Jungkook told the other two who were in the front seat, talking about something from time to time

"Why...What is Wooyoung doing?" Jimin asked while scrolling through his phone to search for his carpool playlist

"He's sleeping..." Jungkook said looking at the younger who was deep asleep

"Wake him up then" Jimin said earning a glare from Tae

"Let that poor boy sleep, he's been working for 12 hours" he said as he focused on the road again

They drove for 10 more minutes till they reached Jimin's house

They were happily greeted by Jimin's parents and talked to them for a while

They played games together with Wooyoung and went cycling together

Soon it was time for them to leave when Jimin's mom insisted the three to join them for dinner

They stayed there for dinner and it was time to go for real

They got in the car, totally exhausted

Taehyung wanted to sleep but they didn't bring their driver with them

Jimin and Jungkook told Taehyung to take rest in the backseat while these two took turns in driving cuz they didn't want Taehyung to fall asleep while driving like he did while eating, few days ago

They reached home by 1 am and went straight to bed

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