˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter XI

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The Truth
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Jimin and Tae went inside the room where Jungkook was and sat next to him

Jimin held Jungkook's hand and looked at him

Tae quietly sat beside Jimin with guilt written all over his face

"How do you feel now?" Jimin asked the injured boy

"Better..." Jungkook managed to tell it out

"I'm...Sorry Jungkook" Tae said, looking down to the floor

Jungkook smiled sadly and put his hand on Tae's shoulder making the older look up

"Don't be sorry...You did nothing wrong" Jungkook whispered, not wanting to use his voice now as he wanted to save his energy for later

"Can you please tell us where you went?" Jungkook asked Tae after sometime

"Uh...I-" Tae was cut off by Jimin's hand holding his hand and the death glare his friend gave him, hinting for him to stop

"What was that Jimin? How many days are you going to hide everything from me...Do you even think of me as your friend or-"

"Tae went to meet Aera" Jimin said before Jungkook could finish his sentence

Tae looked at him, not knowing what to say

Jimin then told Jungkook what he saw near the lake when they went on their college trip

He also told him why Tae left Jungkook when he needed his help

"Tae...?" Jungkook called the other who was now steeped in guilt

He wasn't guilty cuz Jimin saw himself and Aera near the lake but because he wasn't there for Jungkook and because he is hiding something from them for a long time

Ofcourse everyone has their personal space but these three never knew what personal space was

Jimin, Tae and Jungkook knew everything about all the three of them everytime

Now Tae was hiding something, not knowing if his friends will understand him

"I have to tell you something..." Tae said, looking up to the other two

Jungkook nodded for him to continue

"Aera is my girlfriend...We started dating the day before the trip and yes Jungkook saw us the first day near the campfire when we were about to kiss for the first time, I wasn't really teaching her physics..." Tae looked down, tearing up already

Jimin was shook and so was Jungkook

It's not like they didn't see this coming but they didn't expect him to hide it from them

"So you hid everything from us? We never had secrets between us, Tae...You've changed a lot" Jimin said, not wanting to look at the other

He wasn't totally mad at him but he was hurt, he never thought his friend would hide something from him

It's not like he shouldn't hide anything from him but he expected him not to...It was his own expectation which was hurting him now but he couldn't do anything about it

Jungkook stayed quiet the whole time

He held his head tightly when he felt a sharp pain

Jimin rushed to call the nurse nearby just incase

"Sir, don't stress him out...It's better if you both stay out of this room for now" the nurse said after noticing Tae's tears and the sad look on Jimin's face

The other two walked out of the room

The nurse quickly gave Jungkook the anaesthetics to reduce the pain and to put him to sleep

Jungkook was stressing out too much but fortunately his medications helped him to fall asleep now

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