˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter IV

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New Friend
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Jimin's POV

Today is our first day of college, The worst part of living with these two is that all the three of us won't wake up soon

Tae somewhat wakes up after his 5th alarm so he woke us up late but luckily we weren't late to college cuz we got ready soon

We went to our college and checked our classes, Jungkook was in the same class as me but Tae wasn't

We were kinda sad about that but we can't do anything so we left to our classes


All our classes were over and we were waiting for Tae near the gate

Some minutes later, he came to us with a guy and a girl by his side

That girl looked familiar

They came closer and we noticed her from yesterday, that creep...I mean...Strange girl

"Hey, you two! Meet my new friends!!!" he came bouncing all the way to us

"Hi! I'm Jackson Wang from China" he looked like he'll get along with us really well

"Hi Jackson, I'm Jimin...and he is Jungkook" I thought Jungkook will introduce himself but he was busy staring at that girl

"And you? Aren't you the same girl from yesterday?" he asked her in a cold tone which was unusual

"I'm Kang Aera and yea we met yesterday" she said smiling but Jungkook wasn't even looking at her anymore, he started walking out

"Sorry...I don't know what's wrong with him today, I'll go check on him...See you tomorrow" I said as I followed Jungkook to our dorm

We went to our dorm and Jungkook sat on the sofa, I stumbled on his shoes while going to him and sat beside him

She was acting strange yesterday but now she's Tae's friend so I don't think we should be cold to her

"What's wrong with you...You shouldn't act like that to someone who just wants to know you" I said but he didn't even look at me

"I don't feel good about Tae being her friend" he said looking at his phone's blank screen

"Jungkook...We have to understand him, he has no one in that class except for Aera and Jackson...He just made new friends" I said and he slightly nodded his head before making his way to our room

Tae came back soon after Jungkook went to our room

"I just wanted new friends...I know he doesn't like her but her friends are not in our class so she's alone too" Tae said as he took his shoes and jacket off

"I know, he'll understand soon...How about Jackson?" I asked cuz he was fun even if we talked for some seconds

"Jackson is a transfer student from China, he already has friends in all the classes and he's super fun" Tae said, totally excited about his new friend

"Make sure you stay with him more than Aera...I don't know if you can trust her yet after what happened yesterday" I said

"Yea...Don't worry" he said and later we went out for dinner after dragging Jungkook out of our room

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