˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter VII

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Hill Climbing
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Jungkook's POV

It was past 2 am when I woke up for some reason, I was kinda lazy to get up but my throat was too dry so I had to drink some water

I got up and saw only Jimin in his sleeping bag

Tae wasn't there...I went out searching for him and saw Aera with him near the camp fire

"Tae?" he looked at me and came to me

"Ah...Yea Jungkook? What are you doing here?" he looked startled for some reason

"I wanted to get some water and you weren't there so I came in search of you, What are you doing here with her at this hour?!" I yelled at him cuz this is going too much

"She had a doubt in physics...So she asked me to teach her"

I know he is very good in physics but why should he teach her at this time?! They don't even have their notes with them

"Fine...I guess? I'm going to sleep now, come with me" I dragged him to our tent, leaving Aera alone in the campsite

"Tae...what were you doing there with her?" I asked him again cuz they were sitting too close

"I was just teaching her"

"You didn't even have your notes with you and you're telling me you were teaching her?"

Jimin woke up after hearing us

"What are you two doing at this hour?" Jimin asked us and I told him everything

"We were sitting close to eachother doesn't mean we were gonna do something" Tae said

"Just leave it now, you don't have to teach her Tae...She has her friends and there are teachers to teach if she has any doubt...Now go sleep, it's too late" Jimin said and we went to bed

I feel like I might've overreacted but that was too close...I shouldn't assume things on my own but this doesn't feel right

The next day Jimin talked to Tae about it but he didn't want to tell anything

We have to go hill climbing now so we took all the necessities and left

We had stairs to use but still we had ropes cuz the stairs were too inclined

We didn't let Tae go to Aera but she was right in front of him

It was kinda awkward between the three of us so we didn't talk much while the others were chatting their way up the hill

We really wanted to enjoy every second of our college together but this creep ruined everything

I was deep inside my thoughts when suddenly I heard a screech

Jimin slipped and was about to roll down the hill like a bowling ball but good thing I was able to catch him before he fell down

Ofcourse now he's embarrassed cuz no one else slipped except for him, Tae and Aera looked behind and walked away after seeing Jimin was fine

We were almost on the top when now Aera slipped and V quickly wrapped his arms tight around her waist to prevent her from falling

I don't think she really slipped...

I acted like I didn't see that and Jimin pulled Tae's hands from her

We were on the top of the hill for sometimes, trying to talk our problems out and stop being awkward around eachother

Aera wanted to join us but Tae told her we were talking about something important and she left with her friends

"Be careful...I can't tell more" Jimin said and Tae nodded

He looked at me and I had no idea what to tell

Both of them were clearly waiting for me to tell something

"I don't know what's going on but it's better if you keep your distance from her" I said, he gave me a faint smile and a nod

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