Recovering and Rebuilding ~ Part 1

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Fitz's POV

What? Where am I? Why am I in a hospital bed? All these questions are flooding my mind, then, it hits me. Like a ton of bricks...I was in a coma.

I look around and see Jemma

standing there with a visible smile on her face, but her eyes show something different. They show pain, saddness, uncertainty, and something else that I don't even think she knows or understands. I need to talk to her.

I use all my strength to try and form at least one word. Nothing, not even a whisper can escape from my mouth. This is so confusing what is happening to me?

Really, all I can do is just think and look at Jemma. "Hey Fitz, it's about time you joined me." Jemma says while choking back her tears and smiling at the same time.

Now, we are just looking at each other. Thinking about what will happen now, how long the road to my recovery is, and how we will save S.H.I.E.L.D. along with our friendship now that I've spilled how I feel about her.


20 minutes later...

The doctors are prying Jemma away from me and out the room, probably in an attempt to help me rest, but I can't rest. Not when I could fall back into the coma, or have nightmares, or even worse. Die.

So I am doin' the only thing I can, think. Thinking about my projects I started before the accident, I think one was, err...clock?--no, cloaking. Nah, that's too hard. Really, the only thing I can think about that gives me comfort and peace. Is Jemma.

How she was by my side the whole time I was in the coma. Not once did she ever stop believing in me. Not at the Academy, not at Sci-Ops, not even on the Bus, and not in this hospital room neither. Jemma's more than just my best friend, but I am just Jemma's best friend...and it might always stay that way. Can I handle that? Being trapped in through friend zone for all eternity?

Hiya! I feel so bad for taking a while to update! But I have a new chapter up now. :) It is a bit short...ok, really short, but I just wanted to get something up so I am splitting this chapter into two parts. And it seems like it will work better that way. On that note, I will put the next part up either tomorrow morning or evening (Eastern Standard Time for those of you in different countries or time zones :D) I hope you guys aren't too mad at me though! ;) xoxox

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