You're More Than That

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*Warning* Major FitzSimmons feels happened while writing this chapter, so consider this a warning, be prepared, this is an actual recap of what happened in 1x22 (The Beginning Of The End) and tears were shed I am not afraid to admit that so...enjoy! Hahaha

Simmons' POV

"Skye! No!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

They can't take Skye! I start to run after the people who took her. "What is that?" I say in my head, I try blinking back the tears that have curtained my eyes. Now all I can see is a tall, masculine person standing in front of me blocking my view of Skye. Next, everything is black. No Skye, no May , and most of all--the pain from these past nine days...gone.


I am unconscious, so now (because it's all that I can do) I am thinking about Fitz and I in the bottom of the ocean after we talked about the first law of thermodynamics and I got my bright idea.

"Now, when I press that power button." Fitz says hesitantly. "The window will blow in, and water will rush inwards." I say hope filling my voice.

"Yeah, which will be like a hundred punches to the stomach. Ok, it will knock the wind right out of us." Fitz says as he makes eye contact with me. I feel like he isn't telling me something. "Now this is near empty, but I rigged it," he shows me an oxygen mask with a canister connected to it. "To let out a burst of very high pressure, it should force a breath into your lungs, but you have to hold onto it, ok? Hold on tight. It should be enough to get you up about ninety feet or so." He says gesturing to the canister. "One breath, but there is two of us." I say and tears start forming in Fitz's eyes. "I have done the math, and that's why you're taking it--" he starts breathing heavily, panic mounting. "you're a better swimmer anyway."No." Fitz is crazy if he thinks I will let him do this.

 "Jemma..." Fitz says to me in a gentle tone. "No, I'm not leaving you here that's ridiculous we need a new plan." I say, I am not letting this go. "We're not discussing it, ok? You're taking it, end of story...I couldn't live if you didn't." Fitz argues.

"Well, I feel the same way there has to be another way," Fitz cuts in. "No, you're taking it." I start speaking louder. "You can't make me do this you're my best friend in the world!" I now have tears blanketing my eyes. "Yeah, and you're more than that Jemma." Fitz says in a shaky voice. What just happened? My expression changes to one of confusion, and we stand there silent, each taking deep, shaky breaths. He looks down, a sad smile stretches across his face.

"And I couldn't find the courage to tell you," He looks up at me, each of us with tears in our eyes. "So please..." he takes a long breath "let me show you." I start weeping and pull him into a hug. "It's okay." Fitz says. "No..." I say and start crying harder, I break our embrace to kiss him on each cheek and the forehead. "Jemma."

I pull him into a hug again burying my wet face into his shoulder. "Come on, we have to hurry." He says,a bit worried. "No, noohohoh." My voice is breaking while I'm trying to talk and cry. I can't do this. "Take it Jemma." Fitz says. I pull out of our hug. "No." I tell him. "Take it..." he says again as I keep crying. "No." I say it again, I just can't do this, not to my best friend. He hands the canister to me. "There you go." I take it unwillingly, and put my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me, shaking, he gives me a smile, possibly the last smile I will ever see spread across his face. Then he takes his hand and slams it on the button to start the device.


"Noooooooo!" I scream jolting up bunk? I turn to see May and Coulson at my door.

"Simmons, what's wrong?" Coulson says, as he looks at me concerned. I start crying. "I am sorry sir, it's just for some reason while I was unconscious. My mind took me back to when Fitz and I were..." I can't finish speaking. May starts speaking, "At the bottom of the ocean?" I look up at her, "Yeah..." She sits down next to me on my bed and, gives me a hug? Whoa,  since when does "The Cavalry" hug people? I shake off that thought and return the hug.

"Wait, where's Skye? Did you find her?" I say looking at Coulson. He hesitates and then starts talking. "I'm sorry Simmons, we haven't been able to find anything that could tell us her whereabouts." I look down into my lap. Why do this keep happening to me, I keep losing all of my friends. "Ok sir, I will help with the search when I am feeling a bit better if that's ok?" I say gesturing to the bruise on my cheek from where the unkind man knocked me out. "Ok." Coulson says then turns around.

"Also sir, would I be able to see Fitz today?" I ask nervous that Coulson would say no. "Absolutely Simmons, clean up and I will be back in 15 to take you." May says, with a wee smile hidden on her face, as she gets up to leave. I spring from my bed to walk across the hall to the washroom. I start walking with the biggest grin on my face.  I finally get to see my best friend again, and hopefully he will wake up


Hiya! This is so far my longest chapter that I have written so I hope I didn't bore you guys to death! I want to let you guys know I made a slight change to the chapter 'Fitz's Conditon' (and will do so to the other ones) so that it would go better with this chapter. So now Fitz is still in the coma on the ninth day and when she goes to visit him he is going to wake up! (Like in the show if you're up to date with AoS) And also I am sooooo excited I am getting really close to 500 reads!!!!! Oh my gosh! You guys don't know how much I apprecite you reading and voting so I want to say a big thank you!!!!!!! Ok I am going off on a ramble I am going to leave and continue revising the chapters. Byeeeeee!

One more thing, I apologize if you got more than one notification for this chapter being updated or if things were glitchy while you were trying to read it . Wattpad was being weird tonight and messing up this chapter so I had to cut, paste and modify this chapter again so it's being a bit of a pain. Hopefully it's all good now. Thanks for reading! :)

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