Minecraft Cows

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After that day, Ushijima heard nothing back. Not a stray text, not a call from the man with the bowl cut, not a letter, nothing. Halloween came and swiftly went, leaving Ushijima feeling more alone then ever.

Ushijima became so bored with life he bought a PlayStation. The only game he got was called Minecraft, a favorite of Tendou's. It took almost four days to learn to work the game. Once he did though, he really wasn't that bad.

In the game he had began to collect cows from all across the land. Something about his little farm was comforting. In the game there was no worrying. No real life to tie you down nor expectations to stress you out. Him and his cows lived a peaceful little life.

"This one is Dexy, she is friends with all the cows. I think she would be a good artist, I wonder if there is a mod for that. Hikari and Baka, they are good friends. Tangy is fun, she spins in circles all day. Shira is the leader of the cows. She takes very good care of them all. And there's you Aone. Cow you is very polite."

After two weeks of playing the video game, Ushijima decided to finally call his best friend. At the moment he was just showing off his minecraft cows.

Aone quite honestly did not know what to think. His friend was beginning to come back to life on the surface, but he knew better. It was all just a distraction. He wanted to tell him it wasn't healthy, he did. However he could not find it in him to ruin the one thing Ushijima was enjoying. All he could do is try to support him. So he sat and he nodded and he even cracked a few small smiles, trying to hide his true concern.

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