End of the Inevitable

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After getting off the plane, the two of them checked an envelope from Tendou for the address. They'd done this so much Ushijima had it memorized, though he was still paranoid he would go to the wrong place. Aone lead with confidence while Ushi stood just as strong though more unsure behind him.

Tendou's address was right by a large lake. They had to rent a car from the airport to get there, but it wasn't a bad drive. Nothing could be worse then the long flight of uncomfortable seats and sobbing babies. Aone would have suggested swimming, though being outside itself was freezing enough. The crisp air cut through their clothes like a jagged knife. The chilling atmosphere made the walk even more sickening and unbearable. In what felt like both an eternity and a moment the pair reached the doorstep.

Ushijima drew back a sharp breath and tried to knock on the old wooden door. An invisible force seemed to hold him back though. Once again was he hit with the self doubt he always had. It reminded him of why he never came.

He wouldn't meet expectations. He wasn't as strong as he'd come off. His struggle with confidence and speaking went far beyond just shyness but how could he say that? How could he admit that to someone he admired as much as Tendou?

It was time to find out.

Aone reached over Wakatoshi's shoulder and knocked for him after noticing the apprehension. A mildly anxious expression crossed his face as he waited for the door to open. The white haired not so gentle giant gave him a nudge in the side to try to stop to look. Though he thought it was gentle he ended up knocking Ushi to the ground. Aone only fretted for only a moment as he heard the door open.

The man who answered the door was certainly no older then eighteen. He had a somewhat stern look and a black bowl cut that he should have ditched years ago. Ushijima rose, recognizing him as the one to have had Tendou's phone. Aone stepped back to give them space and watched intensly.

"You.. son OF A B-"

Seemingly out of nowhere, the younger man lunged and began to punch at Ushijima's chest. It didn't hurt much at all though he was definitely caught off guard. Despite it not hurting Ushijima was mad enough to retaliate ten times harder. He wound his fist back when Aone jumped in hugged his arms to his sides from the back. He also shot Goshiki an icy stare, prompting him to stop. His anger itself did not cease though. Aone held him back from leaping again with just a single arm. Goshiki went off again though more coherently.

"I hate you! God I hate you! You never came all he wanted was for you to show up! And now he's gone! You never came! How could you you monster?"

Goshiki yelled out as he sobbed, not even attempting to keep his composure. Aone realized what had happened immediately while Ushijima didn't quite understand. He froze on the porch mat with no care about getting hurt from the raging boy. Whatever happened he had clearly deserved it.

"What do you mean gone? Is he not inside?" Ushijima said with a look into the messy home.

"You really are an idiot aren't you." Goshiki spat toward Wakatoshi. "You didn't notice how sick he was? You never even asked did you? You couldn't even come see him once before he died. I hope you know you're disgusting!"

Beyond the word "died" Ushijima hadn't truly heard anything. It was all static noise. Each sign ran through his head at once faster then any roller coaster could hope to reach the speed of. How cold and blue he was even a while after being inside a while. How he didn't call or text often likely from feeling too ill to be on the phone. Or maybe looking too ill. And the white room- so he was right. Once more Goshiki spoke to Wakatoshi, this time getting through to him.

"And the last thing he wanted was you! He didn't want to worry you so he didn't tell you no matter how much I said to." He coughed a bit before finishing his thought. "He said you'd come for him without feeling obligated. I guess he was right but you are far too late. Too late to say goodbye or for the funeral or any of it. So I hope you're happy."

When Wakatoshi gave no reaction to the words, Goshiki lost his cool even more. The hysterical screaming and crying continued while Ushijima went numb. The whole scene was horrific. Aone couldn't bear it any longer. He felt at fault. It would have been simple to just leave the situation be, but he felt he had to get involved. All he wanted was to fix the hurt. Turns out he just made it worse.

With a huge deep breath Aone pulled away Ushijima. The trance like state almost helped Aone drag the male as he got minimal resistance. For a moment Ushijima seemed to snapped out of it, walking on his own beside Aone. They walked down the boardwalk by the lake to get some fresh air though the white haired boy could barely tell if the other was breathing. As they moved along and listened to the chilly wind whip through the trees, Wakatoshi stopped without notice. Not long after did he sit on the wooden boards stare down at his muddy shoes. Once more did he enter an intense and silent grieving period.

Aone spent possibly hours trying to get Ushijima to talk to him or even move. Nothing would work. Not talking or nudging or music or even the darkness that now cast over the sky.

And then the snow came.

It fell slow at first but quickly turned into a storm. Aone practically begged Ushijima to come to the car but he wouldn't budge. The snow began to pile in his hair and his face went blue. So Aone did the only thing he thought left to do without letting his friend freeze to death.

The white haired male took the brunette in his arms and held him as close as possible. They'd both began cold but grew to be warmer together. Ever so slowly did it begin to ground Ushijima. The snow became clear as he looked up to the sky in wonder. Satori was right. It was absolutely freezing.

Releasing an arm from his friend's grasp did Wakatoshi put his finger in the snow and drag his finger. Each time he did he made five small hearts. Tears had finally sprung in his eyes as he returned the hug. Aone cried slightly as well, though for a different reason.

For Ushijima it was a heart for each December missed with his Satori. For Aone it was a heart for each December he hadn't confessed. Though now he was certain Wakatoshi would always love his deceased lover more.

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