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Aone: Just do it Ushijima. All you have done is sleep and talk about him. It is time.

Twelve. That is how many times Ushijima had to read the message to even consider doing it. It was now the hottest month of August. Miserable and lonely. That snow didn't seem all that bad.

It was also finally setting in just how miserable this situation was making him. His plants had died and his laundry was scattered. Not to mention the paint that had been untouched for months. He did not want to clean or paint or even go to his 9 to 5.

Were they even together still? Was that Tendou's nice way of breaking it off? These questions echoed and bounced off Ushijima's skull daily. It was torture to the point of it being migraine inducing.

Three. That is how many more times it took reading the message for him to actually make the call. The video call was answered almost immediately, though the face staring back at him was unfamiliar.

"H- Hello?"


"I said hello."

Goshiki rolled his eyes, assuming Ushijima had a sarcastic intent behind his words. The walls behind him were pure white and empty, clearly not Tendou's room. That thought was further proven by the subtle beeping in the background. Ushijima took in the unfamiliar surroundings and decided to inquire, ignoring the incredibly fast pace of his heart.

"Are you- where are-"

"Oh now you care! Only took you until August to call! Yeah, I'll let you know where we-"

"Shiki, stop."

At the sound of Tendou's voice, Ushijima felt his stomach drop. It was weak and lethargic- much too unenthusiastic to be the Satori he knew. Before having the chance to continue on with questions, the black haired boy with Tendou's phone calmed his voice. Something pulled the alarm in Ushi's head. Danger was the only explanation, though he couldn't deduct any specifics yet.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry Tendou."

Once again, the call was ended. Wakatoshi's heart raced uncontrollably. Where was Tendou? Was that his roommate? What was going on with his boyfriend? Was he where he thought he was?

Putting an end to his tormenting thoughts felt hopeless. Hopeless, however, until a buzz came from the phone still in his right hand. Surprisingly it had managed to startle him, truly an oddity.

SA-TO-RI: Sorry about him!! I'm here, what's up :3

Ushijima: Where are you? Where have you been?

SA-TO-RI: Ahaha, long story! But but but!! I wanted to ask if you could try to come before December. If you aren't busy.. maybe this week?

Just when Ushi believed it impossible to worsen the situation, Satori had done it. This week? No, absolutely not. He wasn't even sure he'd be able to commit come December. As much as he knew he should he just could not bring himself to.

Ushijima: I'm busy. What is going on?


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