Dead Line

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December was just around the corner.

Was he even supposed to go still? Were the two of them even together? What happened to his boyfriend? Was he that mad?

Another day wasted to worry. If you asked Ushijima, his entire daily routine consisted of sitting in bed and thinking. What else was there to do, really?

After a few weeks even minecraft hadn't worked. Aone thought he would be happy to see the day he wouldn't be subjected to virtual cow lectures, but he was sorely mistaken. Having to once again witness his friend's downward spiral was far worse. He'd give anything to hear about how the pigs Elite, Nya, Kaashi, and Hireath were doing.

That last phone call with Satori was really bugging Ushijima again. The atmosphere was plain and sanitary, making him only able to think of a hospital. Tendou never mentioned being hurt or sick though, and was usually begging to call and message. He wouldn't just disappear for no reason, right?

Aone sat in his own apartment and took in the woes of Ushijima. It was somewhat exhausting though he always asked on his own accord. He couldn't help but worry.

With a sudden motivation Aone rose from his seat and dug through his small trash bin. The action both grossed out and intrigued his best friend. He grew even more confused when he pulled an envelope from the trashcan. After a moment of realization, it hit Ushi. It was what he sent his last piece of mail in. All it was was a doodle of Aone's dog, so why was the discarded envelope so significant?

Aone carefully read the address on the envelope before picking up his phone. He didn't speak often, but when he did it was meaningful to him.

"I will be there soon." Aone said before the call went dead.

For Each December // UshiTenWhere stories live. Discover now