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Before Ushijima and Aone knew it, the five hearts in the snow were completely gone. So were they.

Aone was the first to rise, tugging not so lightly on Ushijima's arm. He stood as well, though not by his own desire. Aone had to drag him up. He was somewhat suprised, however, that when Ushijima was up, he held himself well. Not happy in the slightest, but with some dignity and self preservation. 

Aone almost forgot how strong Ushijima was.

Ushijima took the lead to the car with Aone not far behind. For how late it was, the area was rather well lit. Yellow-tones street lights gave the snow a glittery look, much brighter then the dull unlit lakeside they'd been it.

Aone's teeth began to chatter, his lips turning blue. The other was just as cold, though he did not show it. Instead he picked up the pace, arriving at the car almost a full two minutes before Aone, who had the keys.

The white haired male looked around absent-mindedly when he got to the car. As much as he wanted to be there for his friend, he had to admit he missed home. All he could think was how much his dog would love the snow, feeling awful he left him with his parents.

"It needs unlocked." Ushijima said in a raspy voice. The tone jabbed at Aone, snapping him back to the horrid situation that unfolded just hours before.

He pressed a button on the key he held, the car making a small beeping noise. It took Ushijima an extra second to climb in the passenger seat, though as soon as he did he reached for the heat controls. Aone openly welcomed this, glad to finally be able to warm his numb fingers.

Neither of them had a problem just sitting in the warmth for a moment. It was an odd silence, both basking in the tense, dull silence. Within five minutes, the car was comfortingly warm. Aone leaned his head back, staring at the top of the car just inches from his nose. Just as he started to get comfortable, a loud bang could be heard from the passenger side of the vehicle.

Aone's eyes flew open, not jumping though highly startled. Ushijima had punched the dash, lashing out in anger and grief. Despite how mad he appeared, Aone didn't hesitate to call him out.

"I will leave right now if you do that one more time, I am leaving." He glared as he spoke, not willing to put up with that. While he was willing to help comfort him, he refused to tolorate violence.

Ushijima inhaled to yell, but never let the words out. As angry as he was at the world, he knew Aone was right. Would he hit someone? Besides bowl cut kid, no. But just the lashing out at the car was bad enough.

"Sorry." Ushijima mumbled. Aone gave a silent nod, at peace with the simple remorse. He slid the key in the side of the wheel to head back to their hotel. What he haden't forseen was Ushijima finally deciding to open up a bit.

"I wish he cared enough to tell me." 

Aone pulled out of the parking space, biting his lip while thinking over the statement. After getting on a snow-free part of the highway, he had his response formed exactly how he wanted. Ushijima didn't mind the wait. He was well aware of his friend's thoughts on making your words matter. Aone took in a deep breath and kept his eyes trained on the road as he spoke.

"Tendou also thought you would care enough to see him." He said, trying to make sure he did not come across hostile. To conclude his point, he went on, putting a hand on Ushijima's shoulder. "Assuming he didn't care isn't a fair call to make. I'm sure there was a valid reason behind not telling you he fell ill. I believe the kid at the door mentioned it. I more wanted to make sure you didn't kill him."

For this being the most Ushijima had heard Aone speak at once, he certainly did not want to hear it. He shoved the hand off his shoulder in frustration. He felt weak enough for breaking down earlier. Like hell he needed comfort now, especially when he was being disagreed with. The stubborn man shifted slightly toward his window and watched the streetlights illuminate the now gently falling snow.

Though it was brief, Aone looked rather hurt by the sudden rejection. That would be because, well, he was. It felt as though nothing he did could make the situation any better, so sped up a bit in an effort to just go to bed sooner.

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