Chapter 7:

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Words she doesn't even remember deciding upon, but they come out anyway.

“I think I’m in love.” She says, her voice shaking. 

She hears footsteps behind her abruptly stop as Anakin just looks at her. He’s silent for once in his life. Instead someone else's unmistakable voice rings out.


“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) Ke-” The voice paused, rethinking his words. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N) you think what?” It’s evident the voice is stressed. It may have calmed down from the first words spoken, but anger and fear were still leading his wordings. 

Anakin whirls around to face him, spinning (Y/N) with him. They stand there, still as statues. Neither one daring to speak. The silence carries on for what seems like a millenia. Finally when it seems no one else can take it the voice rings out.

“My quarters now!” Without even agreeing, the two force sensitives absentmindedly follow him. Silence choosing to fill the entire walk.

His quarters are clean, organized perfectly. Exactly as one would expect them. Picture perfect, replicating the Jedi who uses them perfectly. Not a single item out of place. The older Jedi looks around, praying to the Maker he can replicate his quarters. He sighs in defeat, realizing he would be replicating Master Kenobi, and right now he was Obi-Wan. That right now (Y/N) needed Obi-Wan, not Master Kenobi. Obi-Wan noted that why he  had never been one to run his fingers through his hair, he had been doing so. Religiously. His -usually- neatly parted hair was a disheveled mess. He would have laughed at the irony of himself if it wasn’t for the situation that placed him here. The young Knight and Padawan stood unmoving by the door, as the older Jedi paced back and forth. Anakin’s mind simply focusing on his Master’s movements whilst (Y/N) was lost in her thoughts, thinking of every possible scenario that could occur of the five words she had spoken. Obi didn’t know how to start the conversation. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to. He needed to, and he needed to decide who to play. Obi-Wan? Or Master Kenobi? Does he need ignorance or disappointment at this moment? As he continued pacing, getting as wound up in his thoughts as (Y/N), he started leaning more toward Obi-Wan. Afterall, that was what (Y/N) needed right now. He started to organize his thoughts, but was interrupted by his padawan, setting his progress back a step.

“Master?” His voice was unsteady at first, but he soon found it. This time speaking with much more certainty. “Master.” The older Jedi turned to look at the two as Anakin continued speaking. “Master, perhaps if you let (Y/N) explain? Maybe she misspoke, or is just confused. And please stop pacing! You’re stressing me out.”

Obi-Wan lost all his progress at this comment. He knew what (Y/N) was feeling when she said it. He knew all too well the consequences as well. He himself had fallen victim to love many years before. The only reason he was still in the order was because Master Jinn had come to his rescue. Describing him to the Council as a young adult, desperate for fun. Obi-Wan had graciously accepted Qui-Gon’s help, but didn’t think he could do the same with (Y/N) because of that incident

“Rightly so Anakin! You should be stressed. This is not a matter to be taken lightly. This is what gets people banned from the Order, never to return. Everyone in this room knows very well that (Y/N) didn’t mispeak. I might believe she was confused, but I can promise you the Council won't.” Anakin flinched at his Master’s harsh words. His Master was allowing his emotions to lead, and it was something he had never experienced before. 

“Who is it (Y/N)?” He stopped walking, and calmed his voice. He was looking straight into (Y/N)’s eyes.

She looked right back into his, not daring to say his name out loud with the present company. Instead she darted her eyes towards Anakin, making sure Obi-Wan took notice. He nods his head, showing he saw her act, but not being able to form words. Worry developing as he comes to the realization that there's no way to separate the two. 

This time, he looks at Anakin before speaking. “Go somewhere else, I don’t care where. Just go. Don’t mention a word of this to anyone. I need to speak with (Y/N) privately. Understand?”

Anakin’s eyes go between the two Jedi before nodding. “Yes Master.” He turns and leaves, needing to be alone anyway to process his own thoughts.

Why had Kenobi acted so strongly, so protectively over (Y/N) when she uttered her worry? Why was (Y/L/N) not the first thing to come to mind when he called (Y/N) out using her full name. And how did Kenobi even know her middle name? It wasn’t something Jedi held onto. Everyone had one, but they were written in the Archives never to be used again. Anakin was beyond confused, and took after his Master. He was pacing outside Kenobi’s door.

(Y/N) still stood in the same spot, unable to move. She still stared at the empty space where Obi-Wan once stood. He had moved himself to his small dining room table, calmly pouring two cups of tea. He looked to (Y/N), and said something so quiet it could barely be classified as a whisper.

“Sit down (Y/N), we need to talk.”

(A/N)- Agga! So I took a turn with this chapter, and started writing in third person. It was originally in first, but I really wanted to capture how Obi-Wan was feeling about this. There was no way I could accomplish that from (Y/N)’s POV, so I switched it. I might do this more in the future so...let me know what you think. Also word count. My chapters are starting to get longer. The more I write, the deeper I am pulled into this book. I want to add more details to really capture how everyone is feeling. This makes my chapters longer. I hope that’s okay, but if it isn't, tell me. I won’t mind. I gave a major hint to a plot twist did anyone catch it? Thanks to my person who keeps my wording great and organized! (:You’re in the description:) And I’m rambling now so bye!

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