Chapter 8:

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I walk over, and collapse in the chair. I didn’t know what to expect from Obi-Wan, and just waited for him to say something.

“I thought you liked my tea?” Obi-Wan sat across from me, sipping his own glass of tea. It seemed like such an odd thing to say considering the conversation we needed to have.

“What? I do.” Out of everything that had just happened his question was out of the blue and confused me.

“Oh. You just seemed like you would rather star at the tea instead of drinking it.” He reached out, and pushed my glass closer. 

I reach for the drink, and take a sip; savoring the flavor that comes afterwards. “I always like your tea, I’m just worried right now.”

“As am I. You know what occurred with the Council and I. I don’t want you to experience that.” He had a sorrowful look. I knew it was hard for him to talk about this. It always involved his ‘past’ something he vowed never to speak of.

“I know, I just can’t help it. He’s just so nice and kind. I find myself craving more time with him every time we part ways.” I try to stay present for this conversation, but my mind keeps slipping to different thoughts of Anakin. 

“I understand that (Y/N), I really do. Probably more than anyone, I understand. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned.” He pauses, and sips his tea. “But I would also be a hypocrite if I told you to ignore these feelings.”

“I know. I know there is reason for concern, and I know you understand. I know!” 

He glares at me before continuing. “Satine nearly got me kicked from the Order (Y/N). I don’t even know what to think on how they’d react with you. Two Jedi together? The Council barely approves when people leave the Order to start a family with non Jedi. Can you imagine how they’d react with two Jedi leaving to be with each other?”

I look down in shame, not knowing what to do. Obi-Wan was right. This was a danger, and something that called for concern.

“I-” I assess my words before speaking again. “I’ll forget the feelings, okay?” I close my eyes, mentally preparing myself for the days to come. I know I’ll have to ignore Anakin if I’m going to be able to forget.

“No!” Obi-Wan’s voice rings out. “I never stopped seeing Satine after I got caught. It would be unfair of me to expect you to drop your feelings. I won’t tell the Council, but you must keep this secret. You know the Council won’t hesitate on kicking you out.” I watch as he finishes off his glass before I speak.

“I’ll watch myself, no one will know Obi-Wan.”

“No, you must promise me (Y/N). Promise me you’ll be careful, take extra precaution.” 

Obi-Wan’s voice had a stern undertone. I had never heard him so serious. I returned his request with the same undertone before getting up and leaving.

“I promise.”

(A/N)- Sooooo I really struggled with this chapter. I wasn’t sure how to write this chapter. My edity person suggested I describe more of Obi’s backstory, so that’s what happened. I’m sorry this ones short. I will say the next chapter is basically the plot of AOTC so that’ll be fun. Yay. Remember I’m always up for suggestions sooo…..bye!

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