Chapter 2:

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"Ah. I see we're still a little distracted. Don't fret, people run into people all the time." He spoke so simply, yet so soothing. He immediately sent my mind back to a moment that occurred days prior.

I walked with my master to the landing bay. The Council started sending backup to incoming "prisoners" after a bounty hunter escaped capture a few years ago and killed the Jedi Master who arrested him .We were to meet Master Kenobi and his padawan to help transfer Jamazu Ozula, a rodian bounty hunter. Master Kenobi and his padawan had been tasked with finding Jamazu after he attempted assassination on Senator Clovis. They found him two weeks later on his home planet, Lothal.

"Now remember (Y/N), stay on high alert the entire time, and don't trust him for even a second." Master Windu's voice was gentle, but the undertone was stern.

"I know Master. Bounty hunters can't be trusted." I repeated the words he had drilled into me the entire walk here. He gave me a warning glance, but nothing more was said.

We stood there in silence, waiting for them to exit the ship. When they finally exited, I saw him. All I could do was look. It was as if the world around me froze. I could only stare as he stood there completely oblivious to me. My Master gently shook me shoulder to get my attention. Except, this shaking feels real.

"Hello? Is anybody in there? Are you okay?" I'm confused for a moment, but it hits me.

I ran into him, and he sent me right back into my thoughts, begging to be released from my black hole of a brain.

"I," but what do I say? What does anyone say in this situation? "Sorry. I guess it took me a minute to get myself together."

"For two minutes? I don't buy it." Two minutes?! I was standing there, staring at him for two whole minutes?! "You're Master Windu's padawan, uh, (Y/L/N)." He snaps his hand a few times before speaking again. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N) right?"

"And you're Master Kenobi's padawan Anakin Skywalker, right?"

"Yeah, but you're (Y/N) correct? Am I wrong about that?"

"You are correct, now please excuse me." I attempt to escape this conversation. Not just because of the awkwardness I'm feeling, but also knowing that if I'm late meeting Master Windu I will not be getting a full night's sleep.

"Woah, woah, woah! You ran into me, because your head wasn't present here on Coruscant. I think I at least get an explanation as to where you head is at. Come on, I'll take you to lunch. Although it will be at the mess hall. I'm not supposed to leave the temple."

"Oh, I'm sorry but-" He cut me off.

"No buts. I will not take no for an answer!"

"But I'm supposed to meet my Master soon."

"As am I, but I believe we have a little time for lunch. Relax a little, come on." He motions for me to follow him.

I sigh in defeat. Padmé did say I should try talking to him. "Fine!" That was all he needed. He turns me around and places his hand in the crevice of my back guiding me. I wonder if he could feel the overwhelming sensation that occurred when he did that.

One thing is certain...

I felt it.

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