Cuddles in a Crawlspace

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With the green glowing security camera, a few traps set, and some ammunition you had bought from a nearby circus of values. You had felt certain about the security of the area.  Safe enough to last the night and you had felt pretty tired from all the walking, fighting, and so on. You had been so fatigued that you forgotten to even tell Jack about your little nap.
You had slid down from two fallen pipes that had led into a crawlspace up above. Your legs shakily, battled to keep your body standing up, as your feet pressed against the ground. Your gaze had fell upon Jacks soft, brown eyes which seemed to have a puzzled look to them.

"Hey, do you think we could maybe take a little break?"

He paused for a moment, thinking, until finally giving in and nodding a 'yes'. He too looked fatigued as he took out his radio and tuned the knobs until, reaching a certain station. Then having to give Atlas the news of a break. Even though Jack looked tired, he had been so determined to Atlas's plan to kill Ryan. You felt a bit bad just getting in their business and asking for break, but Jack and you both needed it if you were off to Ryan's office.

"You're almost there! Boyo, what'da ya need a 'break' for?"

That Irish accent kicked in, messing up your thoughts.

"Well, Atlas, we're both really exhausted from Fort Frolic. An-"


Jack and you looked to each other with defeated look, noticing you had not been introduced to Atlas yet. You had taken the radio from Jack's gentle hands and started to speak.

"Yea, in the midst of Fort Frolic Jack and I met up and are now traveling together. For the sake of getting to Ryan, it's best we get some sleep."

He had paused as if he were thinking on what to make of all this.

"What's yer name?"


"Well" he let out a small sigh before continuing "Take as long as ya need, just dont make it to long".

You tuned the radio until all the static was gone and it was off leaving just you and Jack. He raised his arms and started to stretch as he went in the crawlspace to take a nap. You followed him up the pipes and slumped down on top a of blanket. Wrapping yourself inside of its cozy warmness, you also tucked the rest around Jack who felt terribly cold. In return you wrapped your arms around his soft sweater warming him up. In less than seconds, you finally fell sound asleep. Hours later you had awaken to the sight of being face to face with a drowsy Jack.

"How come you didn't get any sleep?"

"I-I just couldn't"

 Before any more was said you moved your hands from his sides up to his face, and pulled him towards you, locking his lips with yours. While departing from the kiss you noticed a light tint on his face, which soon drove you blushing about thoughts that danced around in your head. He lightly moved back asking in a low soft voice:

"Wh-Why did you d-do that? We hardly know each other."

You could tell from the volume and tone of his voice he wasn't used to talking to people much, either that or he was just really shy around other people. Pertaining to the question, there were many things that made you want to do that, which made trying to find an answer prove difficult.

"I did that, because-"

'Damn it!' you cursed in your head as one of your traps went off down below and two splicers came running in and another climbing the ceiling with a couple of hooks. You removed your hands from cupping Jack's face and wrapped them around your gun. Hearing that you were certain that your break was certainly over...


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