Race: part 1

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There had been an awkward silence between the both of you and Jack, which made you wonder what was going on with your comrade. The most unusual part was how comfortable things felt with him during the midst of your adventure in Fort Frolic. Especially, the fact he got you to drink even a sip of chenchya vodka, things certainly felt very unnatural. Hopefully, this would just blow over and things would brighten up, after all optimism was one thing you knew you would need to survive the city of Rapture!

"Ready?" you hurriedly asked, ready get to Ryan, then maybe to Atlas, and finally out of here... 'Boy, when I said to be optimistic... I surely wasn't kiddin' was I?'

Quickly reloading one of his many... deadly weapons, Jack (like always) answered with a slight nod, but this time added a "Let's go..."

The air seemed to feel a bit more dense and pressured as the two of you attracted your way towards Ryan. He was most definitly right, you could feel almost sense him, Andrew Ryan. Though the air felt heavy, things weren't so awkward anymore the both of you just had your eyes on the prize. The time came when you entered a room leading straight to Ryan's office. As expected, there were a few spliced up junkies here and there. Ones that'd crawled the walls faster than roaches with sharp glowing orange hooks, others that dissapeared and reappeared from time to time, lastly the fools who thought they could hide themselves and aim faster than you. None was enough to beat you, but the way the lights just instantly shut off, kind of put the scare in you. First, the room had went dark letting a gasp of fear escape you.

"(o/c)..." Jack said in a somewhat quiet tone. Of course, the man couldn't yell it infront of who knows how many splicers.


"Uhm,...Stay focused and make sure to keep your gaurd up no matter what. Got it?" He managed to say reassuringly.

"Got it. Though same goes for you."

Just like that, the lights flickered back on and you sauntered forward once more. Things seemed quiet, which was odd since you had just heard footsteps and other noises, but whos knows... maybe your mind was playing tricks on you. Deciding to leave it at that, you got out a bottle of eve, just to make sure you weren't running empty on your plasmids. As you unscrew the top to the big syring, all goes pitch black again, and this time your hypothesis was correct! There were truely splicers amongst the both of you.

BioShock, Rapture: Jack Ryan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now